How to play MinoMonsters for iPhone: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide, part 3

Welcome to part 3 of the MinoMonsters beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 2 of the guide, or click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. In battle, you also have a special attack that you can earn by picking up a particular item after an enemy drops it. […Read More]

How to play MinoMonsters for iPhone: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide, part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the MinoMonsters beginner’s guide. Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide to how to play MinoMonsters. When you are at your home page, Hit the “team” button and you can modify your team of monsters (once you have more than three monsters), switching out monsters and […Read More]

How to play MinoMonsters for iPhone: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide for MinoMonsters for the iPhone! MinoMonsters is a monster collecting game similar to what would happen of Pokemon and Angry Birds had a child. You have monsters to collect, islands to win back from the evil Grublings, and MinoCredits to collect, so read on if you are new to the […Read More]

Guide to MinoMonsters (version 2.0) for iPhone: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats, and strategies, part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the guide to tips and tricks in MinoMonsters version 2.0. Click here to go back to part 1 of the MinoMonsters tips and tricks guide. When a rare monster pops up on the map and you want to try to catch them, don’t battle them until you literally have all […Read More]

MinoMonsters (version 2.0) for iPhone: Get free MinoCredits and Candy

In MinoMonsters for the iPhone and iPod touch, your goal is to make your way through all stages of the game, collect a whole bunch of monsters (both rare and common monsters), and to power up your monsters from their initial low levels to being powerful and able to win any battle that you throw […Read More]

Guide to Zombie Panic in Wonderland Plus for iPhone: Tips, tricks, cheats, hints and strategies

Zombie Panic in Wonderland Plus is one of the craziest shooting games anyone could ask for – it’s an anime shooting game featuring skimpy-dressed anime caricatures of such classic fairy tale heroines as Snow White, Alice and Dorothy, and they all wield big guns and blow the crap out of amorous zombies who were turned […Read More]

Guide to Dream Tower for iPhone: Tips, tricks, cheats, hints and strategies

Dream Tower is a new tower simulator for the iPhone and iPod Touch, similar in concept to Tiny Tower and Dream Heights. In Dream Tower your goal is to build your tower as tall as you can, using two different types of floors: residential and commercial floors. Residential floors can hold up to 5 residents, […Read More]

Guide to MinoMonsters (version 2.0) for iPhone: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats, and strategies

MinoMonsters is an iPhone and iPod touch monster collecting role playing game that has changed a lot. It started off as an exploration game, and now, the focus is more on battles and monster evolution. There are some brand new tips and tricks to go along with it, though – read on for those tips […Read More]

Guide to Shrek’s Fairytale Kingdom for iPhone: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Shrek’s Fairytale Kingdom for the iPhone and iPod Touch is the result of a joint venture between Beeline/Capcom and DreamWorks Entertainment, and is possibly the first time that a Shrek game has come out on the Apple mobile device. This game takes you through the story of the original Shrek (the best Shrek, that is) […Read More]