1010! World: Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Guide

1010! World is the sequel to the original 1010!, the endless Tetris-esque game that went big awhile back on the iOS and Android platforms. The gameplay is similar here, minus the endless element; instead, it’s level based a la the Saga games, so you complete various missions, move onto the next level and then do it all over again. Read on for some tips and tricks for 1010! World!

Just like with the previous game, you can make lines going either up and down, or left to right. Look at your current piece and your other available pieces before you decide what moves you are going to make next. Do your move based on what the available pieces are that you have coming up.

If you run out of lives, you either have to spend gold to get more lives or you have to wait until they all regenerate, half an hour per life. Or, you can set the time ahead on your device, by half an hour per life lost. Once you go back to the game your lives will be back. However if you set the time back to normal, the timers will go back to where they were before you did the time cheat.

Another way to get free lives is to ask for more on Facebook after you connect from the game. If you have no friends who play the game, then start a gamer-specific account on FB and then add people who play 1010! World (or participate in a 1010! world group). Comment in the comments below if you are looking for adds, and people are sure to add you so that you can send lives back and forth.

Plan around the bombs. Bombs are your friend, but they can be a nightmare if you don’t plan right. Don’t get lazy with your planning and your move making or you will be more likely to either lose a stage or to get less than three stars from beating said stage.

There is no time limit at all for beating a stage, so take as long as you want to. The more moves that you finish with, the more extra points you’ll get, meaning the more stars that you will earn when the level is over.