8 Ball Pool City: Top Tips, Walkthrough, Hacks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

8 Ball Pool City is a new game for the iOS and Android platforms that puts the first unique spin on mobile pool in years. You play level-based scenarios in which balls have to be hit into holes, on both standard-size and non-regulation pool tables to throw you off. Read on for some tips and tricks for 8 Ball Pool City!

All of your tricks from other mobile pool games will work here. Examples include turning the phone to make it easier to figure out how to aim your shot, shooting the ball slower to make it in without as much bouncing or rebounding, and looking down the screen of the phone as if you were looking down a pool table, rather than flat at the phone screen. So start with those if you have experience with other mobile pool games.

You start off with a specific number of hearts on each table. When you hit a shot that doesn’t shoot any balls in, you lose a heart, but if you fire a shot and hit a ball in, no hearts lost. The quickest way to the “S” score is to make every shot count. So if you lose too many hearts, you can start the level over. If you hit multiple balls into the hole in one shot, you’ll gain one heart overall. The more hearts you finish with, the better your score.

Unlike in standard pool though, you actually get something of an advantage if you scratch, rather than leave the cue ball on the table. If you scratch, you get to place it wherever you want on the table and start off from an advantageous position when you make your next shot. Of course, wasting a shot to knock the cue ball in isn’t smart, but if you knock both the cue ball and one of the other balls in on the same shot, only one heart penalty instead of two.

Sometimes the ads can get a bit annoying, especially when two pop up ads appear in ar ow. If you want to get rid of the pop up ads, being that there is currently no ad-free purchase option, your best bet is to throw the phone or tablet into airplane mode or get rid of the internet connection in some other way. Do that, and your device won’t be able to load the ads anymore but you’ll still be able to play the game.

The cue can be tough to aim until you use the band on the right side of the screen. The band is opposite of the cue, just off of the right side of the pool table, and you can use it to do super-precise aiming so that you can knock any ball in. Just make small movements on the band to adjust the cue for an accurate hit.

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