Age of Warriors: Frozen Elantra – Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Age of Warriors: Frozen Elantra is a new RPG for the iPhone and iPad. This game doesn’t feature any Hyundai Elantras (insert tears of rage here) – instead, it contains werewolves and werebears fighting, like a maximum-weirdness version of the Twilight franchise or something (fine, no more lame jokes). Anyways, your goal is to build a collection of heroes and weapons, quest through the single player modes and play against other players to see who has the better team. Read on for some tips and tricks for Age of Warriors: Frozen Elantra!

How you organize your team is a big part of the battle. Your tanks and melee fighters should be in the front, while your archers and mages should be in the back. Pay attention to where enemies line up and where you line up your own heroes, because with a good layout you can hit multiple enemies at once, maximize damage and minimize your own loss of health.

You’ll collect iron ingots as you complete battles. Upgrade your equipment to add to your total might, making battles easier and enabling you to beat tougher players. To use less ingots it’s best to upgrade all of your equipment to the same level at the same time (for example, upgrade everything to level 2, then level 3 etc).

If you end up getting stuck because you are having trouble on a difficult stage, go to the last few stages that you’ve beaten, and then beat them again and again until you get more ingots and other goodies. Go for scrolls and other elements that you can use to craft new equipment, too, and keep enough ingots around so that if you craft a new piece of equipment, you can upgrade it immediately.

Always be sure to keep your battles in 2x mode. Battles are fully automated, so there is no point in taking them back down to single speed; even the special attacks for each of your heroes are done automatically. All that you have to do is heal in between battles.

Connect Facebook and invite your friends to the game and you can get free gems. Complete other quests in the game to earn free gems, and don’t bother spending them to power up crafted items, instead saving them and adding them up for better purchases.