31: Ed Scape – Kill the fleas with the car battery, then remove them with the tongs and cauterize and apply ointment to the cuts. Make the left incision, use the clamp to stop the blood by turning it clockwise, then close the artery with the lighter and ointment under the clamp. Then staple the big cuts, cauterize and use ointment on all cuts. Make the right incision, then do the same thing. Close the two incisions. Kill the fleas on the next screen and deal with the cuts. Cut in again. Stop the flow of blood with two clamps, then use the lighter and ointment under where you placed them. Staple, cauterize and apply ointment as needed. Use green syringes to keep the heart rate up while you do all this, then close as needed.
32: Earnest Pickles – Use a partner like Procrastibot 3000 who can extend the time. Chainsaw in a small circle on the cement to get rid of them. Staple the big cuts, cauterize all of them, then apply ointment to the cuts and cement abrasions and vacuum any blood spatters left over. Make an incision. Chainsaw out the rib (tap instead of swipe to avoid blood spatters), pull it out with the tongs then attach it with the lighter and ointment. Repeat for the two other ribs. Close the incision. On the next screen pull the junk out, vacuum the blood and deal with the cuts. Make a second incision. Chainsaw out the bone and attach the new one in with lighter and ointment then close the incision. On the next screen chainsaw the cement, staple the big cuts, cauterize all cuts and use ointment on the cuts and abrasions.
33: Killa Bee Killed – Cut the bees loose with the pizza cutter, then kill them with the pizza cutter or the car battery and remove them with the tongs. Suck up the poison with the red syringe, vacuum the green bee splats, cauterize the cut, and use the gel to heal the cut and battery shots. Repeat with the next hand. Kill the bees on the stomach and remove the poison and abrasions, then make an incision on the left side after using about three green syringes. Kill and remove the bees and green splats. Chainsaw out the old kidney and put the new one on, then secure it with the lighter and gel. Close the incisions.
34: Tengu Downe – Remove the random objects off of his fingers and put the nails on using the tongs. Repeat with the second hand. Make an incision and insert the wing mount machinery. Make the second incision. Once inside chainsaw off the old arteries and remove them with the tongs. Close them with the clamps then insert the new mechanical piece to the arteries. Attach it with the lighter and the gel. Close the incision, then use the tongs to attach the wings to the left and right side of the wing mount. Make another incision. Chainsaw the green slime out and vacuum the bits. Do one or two at a time to keep the heart rate from dropping too quickly. Close the incision and insert the beak on his nose.
35: Officer Hack Brutality – Make an incision, cut along the intestine until you unveil three debris pieces. Pull out the debris, then use the pizza cutter to cut out the seeping smoke. Vacuum the blood and gray spatters. Staple, cauterize and gel the cuts. Make a second incision and another one immediately after that. Chainsaw the handcuffs along the dotted lines into three pieces, and remove all three and vacuum the blood. Close both incisions.
36: Vince “Petroleum” Blownapart – Staple and cauterize the cuts, then vacuum the fire. Gel the cuts to heal them. Make an incision and do the same thing. Close the incision. Make a second incision and do the same thing. Close the second incision.
Previous: Levels 25-30
Next: Levels 37-42