Angry Princess 2014 Go! Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Angry Princess 2014 Go! is a strange name, but it fits because this is a strange game. Picture the slingshot-style shooting from Angry Birds mixed with the RPG-style gameplay of a Hello Hero or Brave Frontier, and this is what you would get. Your goal is to quest through literally hundreds of stages with your princess and her six minions that she kicks into battle. Read on for some tips and tricks for Angry Princess 2014 Go!

Your main character that you can use in battle is the “warrior” version of your Princess, AKA your hero. Yes, the Princess actually kicks herself into battle. You can equip warrior Princess with different weapons and armor to increase her stats and to change her job. So pick your favorite special attack from other characters that you have (or simply pick the most powerful weapon that you have) and go from there.

Your other characters, though, can be upgraded, although they can’t switch jobs. Hit the “members” button inside of the menu screen to do this. Each of your team members can be upgrade for nothing but gold coins, to higher levels (and better stats). The more your hero levels up, the more the other members can do so too.

If you are stuck on a hard stage that you can’t beat, go back to old stages and play them over and over until you level up your hero a few times, or earn enough premium tickets to go for premium summons, or earn enough evolution materials to evolve a few weapons. Then do as above and use the coins to upgrade the rest of your party, too, to match with your princess.

Want to find more friend IDs in this game? Go to the App Store review page or the Facebook page for the game and you will find LOADS of players posting their IDs, hoping that someone adds them. Look in the comment section of this article too, and you will find the same exact thing.

Participate in the events as often as possible, but be aware that these are the toughest stages in the game (compared to where you are generally at in the stages now). Upgrade your weapons and stash away your gold in preparation for these.