Archero 2 – How To Get Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythic, and S-Grade Equipment

Archero 2 is a new roguelike game for the iOS and Android platforms where do you face off against endless hordes of enemies through various chapters. Their attacks get tougher and tougher, and you end up needing better and better equipment to help you through the battle. You can move forward from chapter to chapter, but the chapters continually get harder, as to the various arenas and dungeons, meaning that you will need the rarest equipment possible.

Equipment is ranked in 5+ different tiers. Gray equipment is common or normal, Green equipment is uncommon or fine, blue equipment is rare, purple equipment is epic, gold equipment is legendary tier, and red equipment is mythic. And then as a bonus, you have S-grade equipment. The higher the rarity, the better that the base statistics will be and the higher the upgrade potential.

Read on for a guide on how to get uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythic, and S-grade equipment in Archero 2!

If you have a whole bunch of common equipment that you don’t use anymore, especially if you have three or more of the same piece of equipment, then you can merge them together in order to get a higher tier. Merge three identical green pieces together to get a blue, or three identical blue pieces together to get a purple.

The boxes in the store area are good ways to get better and excellent equipment. The obsidian box and the chromatic box are the premium boxes, and as such, they cost more gems, but they also give you a chance at earning better or excellent equipment. Typically there is also an event box, which gives you the same chances at everything as the chromatic box, except that the S-grade equipment will be a specific type, and not just general equipment.

Be sure to collect your chapter rewards whenever you finish a chapter, and also to collect milestone rewards whenever you go five, 10, 15 minutes, etc. Often, these can contain better and excellent equipment. Sometimes, they can contain keys and gems, which can allow you to unlock chests that contain that equipment.

Be sure to check the daily store often after you unlock it. Most of the time, good equipment is all that will show up in here, but every once in a while, better or excellent equipment will appear, especially during a special event, so be sure to keep an eye out.

Once you unlock the dungeons, you will have the opportunity to collect even greater rewards than before. The better that you perform in the dungeons and arenas, the better the equipment is that you will earn as a reward.

Legendary equipment is the equipment that is so rare, that the color of the box containing its picture is gold, this is the next tear up from excellent equipment, it is significantly harder to get than anything below it.

One reason for this is that you cannot acquire legendary equipment from the cargo boxes that you can buy with gems. Legendary equipment has to be merged, and the method of merging it is different than the method of acquiring rare or epic equipment.

To start, you don’t need three identical pieces of equipment. Instead, you need one other epic piece of equipment that fits in the same slot but don’t necessarily have to be identical. When you merge these pieces of equipment, you will get an epic +1 piece of equipment.

Next, to evolve an epic +1, you will need an epic +1 piece of equipment that fits in the same equipment slot, but is not necessarily identical. Merge these together and you will get an epic +2 piece of equipment.

Finally, in order to merge epic +2 equipment together, you will need an epic +2 piece of equipment that fits in the same slot but is not necessarily identical. Merge these together and you will get a legendary piece of equipment.

Next in the rarity line is mythic equipment. Mythic equipment is the rarest equipment in the entire game, and the color of the box that contains the picture of the equipment is red. This equipment is extremely powerful and can level up extremely high.

To get red equipment, you have to go through the same process that you did with the gold equipment. The difference here is that you will need a piece of gold equipment that fits in the same slot, to get gold plus one.

Next, you will get gold +2 in the same manner, with one gold +1 item that fit in the same slot. Next, you can acquire a gold +3 piece of equipment by sacrificing a gold +2 equipment piece that fits in the same slot.

Finally, you can get mythic equipment by sacrificing one other gold +3 piece of equipment that fits in the same slot. That will finally earn you the mythic red piece of equipment.

Regarding S-Grade equipment, you can evolve it in the same process as your standard excellent equipment in order to eventually get a piece of epic S-Grade equipment. After that, you can evolve it the same way as a standard epic equipment in order to get a piece of legendary S-Grade equipment.

This would be the absolute highest tier piece of equipment in the entire game, being far more powerful than regular epic, legendary, or mythical equipment. You do not need the second, sacrificial piece of equipment to also be S-Grade. Only one of the pieces of equipment in question during a merge has to be S-Grade.

Of course, this entire process takes an absurd amount of time, even if you are a whale. Is it worth it? That can be argued; you will probably get to the point where you beat every chapter in the game before you even get a chance to own a legendary piece of equipment.

Of course, the developers are constantly adding more and tougher chapters to the game. It is possible that special events will appear that will allow you the chance to unlock epic and sometimes even legendary equipment straight out of one of the cargo boxes, although if this does happen, it will be for a very limited amount of time.

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