Armor Blade – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Armor Blade is a new battle-arena RPG for the iPhone and iPad. It’s a bit similar to a Plants vs Zombies-esque game, except that you pick all of your troops beforehand and then watch them beat the hell out of each other until the battle’s done. Plus. rather than simply going from this level to the next level, you have maps that are surprisingly easy to get lost in. Read on for some tips and tricks for Armor Blade!

Before you begin a battle you can choose what troops to take with you. After the battle, you will keep any troops that haven’t died, so always fill the box as high as possible in order to minimize troop losses and win the battles more quickly. To fill an entire row with troops, tap on the arrow above the row after choosing which troop to use.

Tap on the troop picture to see whether it’s strong or weak against rival troops. The red angry face denotes that it’s strong against an enemy while the orange sad face denotes weakness. Also, organize by distance. Ogres should be in the front row, with lancers in the third and fourth row, and riflemen in the far rows, since they have a longer range. As you unlock new troops, such as hobgoblins, change up your strategy to fit their strengths and weaknesses.

Keep as many troops trained as possible for the multi-tiered boss battles, because if they drain your troop count, you’re out of luck. Also, hunt down all of the potions that sit around the map, and go to the merchants and buy more of them, too, because without hit point recovery, boss battles can seem literally impossible to beat.

You’ll notice, though, that when you lose a boss battle and then come back to it, the boss will still have the same health bar quantity as before. So to keep from losing troops, send in your main hero without sending in any other troops. Let he and the opposing boss soften each other up, or take him out first. Then, redo the battle with a full load of troops for an easy win.

At the beginning of the game, speed-ups are free for quite awhile, so use them for as long as you can. After that, you will have to spend gems for them. To get free gems, go to the achievements menu (near your profile tab in the top left corner of the screen) and collect all of the ones that you’ve completed already for some free gems.