Assassin’s Creed: Memories – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Assassin’s Creed: Memories is the latest mobile entry in the Assassin’s Creed franchise, following that one pirate-ship-battling RPG from earlier this year. Memories is a card battling game that was ghost-programmed by card-battling masters GREE, and in this game you, of course, play as an assassin with a team of allies and a massive amount of equipment, as you carry out missions and boost your arsenal until it’s ever stronger. Read on for some tips and tricks for Assassin’s Creed: Memories!

Play lots of mission modes – this is the main mode of play especially when there are no events available. A hack used in the mission will increase the chances of successfully completing a part of a mission to 100% no matter what mission part it is. When you use it, make sure that you do as much as you possibly can before it runs out. A full energy bar is a must for this one.

A good connection is also a must for this one. Memories is notorious for its dislike of finicky internet connections, so if you are having trouble connecting to the game, try it again later when you are either on a strong WiFi network or you have a solidly strong 3G or LTE connection. Any sort of connection issues and the game becomes nearly impossible to play.

There are two main ways to boost your cards. Augmentation is the first one. You’ll be able to pick one card that you have equipped (the rarer the card that you use for this, the better), then sacrifice any of your unwanted and unused cards in order to increase its experience level and power it up. You can sacrifice a large number of cards at the same time as long as you have the coins to make it happen.

The other is the Ally Merge, which allows you to merge two identical Ally cards together in order to make a stronger, evolved version of that card. This also sends the Ally card’s experience level back down to 1 while keeping all of the base stat boosts from past augmentations. Use this wisely in conjunction with augmentations for some seriously HUGE boosts to your cards.

Whenever you get more equip points (which happens after a level up), go to your equip menu and use them right away, then go to the auto-equip function and choose a stat that you want to use as your base stat. Do this every time that you level up to keep your team at its maximum strength.