Baseball Boy is the new home run hitting endless game by Voodoo for the iOS and Android platfomrs where you hit homers, then take the cash that you earn and buy upgrades, then use them to hit even longer homers. You collect money while you’re offline as well as when you’re hitting balls actively, and the combination of earnings will buy you upgrades for even more home run power. There’s an easy cheat that allows you to earn unlimited money endlessly, though, and beat the game in a very short amount of time. Read on for the unlimited cash cheat for Baseball Boy!
Money is earned while you’re offline if you have already started playing the game, and four things factor into your offline earnings. These four things are your hitting strength, your speed, and bounciness, as well as the bat that you’ve unlocked. The higher the level of any of these four things, the more money you earn per minute/hour/etc that you’re offline for.
So to earn offline money endlessly, all that you have to do is open the game, then go to the date and time settings and set the time ahead for however long you want to. Once you do that, go back to the game and you’ll earn a proportionate amount of offline income instantly. You can do this trick as many times as you want just by setting the time further and further ahead.
To make the most of this trick, do it one time, then go to the game and buy any upgrade that you can afford. Do this until you can no longer afford your upgrades, then go back to the date and time settings and do it all over again.
Of course, getting a better bat will factor into your offline earnings, so to get a better bat, after you do these upgrades, hit some balls and go for the longest distance that you possibly can. Distance is what unlocks a better bat, so get the best bat that you can, then go back to the date and time settings and start doing this trick again.
You can set the time ahead by days, weeks, months, or even years to earn a ton of money. And you can do this endlessly. Hit the upgrade screen and upgrade your offline earnings to increase the potency of every time that you do this trick.