Baseball Superstars 2013 Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More hints, cheats and strategies

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When you are playing as the pitcher, to rack up strikeouts and get necessary outs, aim right at the red corners with normal pitches. Try to get a two strike count, and then use a super pitch in one of the corners and most likely, the opposing hitter will strike out. Also, when one of the side quests comes up, or you’re pitching a perfect game with one out left, use super pitches to ensure that you get that out and maintain the “A” rating for the game.

Playing in playoff games ensures that you will earn much higher rewards than not pitching in the playoffs, but it requires that all of your players are good, not just your main player. Don’t neglect upgrading the other players on your team. Get more upgrade potions in the store using your G points, and then go to the “Upgrade” area and go to AI Player and upgrade your teammates, and your team will have a higher chance of winning.

Your first purchase in the store, no matter if you are a batter or a pitcher, should be upgrading your hair and dying your hair, because they are cheap and they increase every single one of your stats. Go to the store and go to the costume area, and tab over to the hair and hair color tabs, and upgrade them for 1,000 G points apiece as soon as you earn the money to do so. The haircut will upgrade your stats by 20 and the dye job will upgrade them by 10 each.

Later on in the game, you’ll unlock relationships. You can change relationships depending on what additional buff you want at the time. For example, if you want to recover your condition faster, go back to Medica, or if you want to get more G points for each game, go to Violet. Find more girlfriends/relationships by tapping on the areas of the map with exclamation points next to them, and reading the story (which will also earn you bonuses such as exp, condition and g points).

As a pitcher, you can use your SP (skill points) to level up your pitches and to learn brand new pitches. Go to the Info area and go to Skill, and on the bottom tab, tab over to Breaking Ball and you’ll be able to not only level up every single one of your pitches at will, but learn new pitches, or upgrade one pitch to another pitch. You can also add elemental factors, such as fire or thunder, to your super pitch this way.