Beat the Boss 3 – How to win without spending any money

Beat the Boss 3 lets you beat the hell out of a custom boss of your very own creation – the first game in the series to allow you to do this. You get a massive variety of weapons to do this with, many of which weren’t even present in the first two games. This is a free game, so naturally there are in app purchases, but they aren’t necessary in order to be able to win. Read on to find out how to win without spending any money in Beat the Boss 3!

Well, “win” is kind of a misnomer, per se, because there is no “winning” at this game, which is actually an endless game. There’s merely endless beating the hell out of the boss, unlocking new weapons, and unlocking new stages, and even unlocking new custom bosses. You don’t need to spend any money to do any of this.

Gems are the premium currency of the game, and while they are scarce in the game, they are very findable, and you have enough instances where you can earn them that you won’t need to spend any money. Simply keep killing the boss and gaining levels until you rank up. Each time that you gain a rank, you will earn 40 free gems.

Plus, go to the Tapjoy offer wall and you will be able to earn free gems. Register for Tapjoy and you will find a new offer wall, and you will be able to complete all of the offers on both walls, most of which are free and require no credit card info at all.

Coins can’t be purchased, but they can be earned in many ways. Killing the boss is the main way. Watch the videos that pop up every so often for 200 coins apiece. Connect the game to Facebook and Twitter for 500 coins each. Plus, sell ingredients to your crafting items in order to earn more coins.

Kill the boss to earn crafting ingredients, or spend gems for them. Then, you can craft new weapons. There’s no need to spend gems on hearts, as you simply have to wait about ten seconds per kill for the boss to return to life.