Big Win Basketball for iOS: How to win every Trophy game every time

In Big Win Basketball, there are multiple types of games that you can play. One of them is the quick game, which will simply pit your cards against the cards of some other random team. The real fun comes in the trophies, which pits you in a challenge against a league full of other players for a day. For that one day, you rack up points with either wins, losses or ties. Players are ranked by their points, and those who are 1st through 5th place earn prizes. Read on for tips on how to win the trophy games every time!

When you first play the trophy games, your recommended tournaments will be in the amateur 10 games league and the amateur 20 games league. These are fairly self describing. In the 10 game league, the first 10 games you play will be the ones that count for your points, and likewise for 20 games to win or lose in the 20 win league. In the amateur leagues in general, players are pitted against each other by experience level.

Considering this, very early on, you should try to get as many silver and gold (and platinum if possible) player cards as possible. The easiest way to do this would be to tap on the “get free coins” link and the “get bucks” link and either buy coins and bucks, or do what you need to do in order to get free coins and bucks. Then, spend them on the card packs, and load your team with excellent players. Do this at an early enough level and you won’t even need to use big impact cards.

If you are playing at a higher experience level, you’ll need to not only do this, but to make strategic use of your big impact cards. Use them when you start to need them, but if you don’t need to use them because the opposing teams are too weak, then save them. Use your stat boost cards on silver, gold and platinum players who are not likely to get replaced any time soon.

The other two leagues are Pro 10 games and Pro 20 games. The difference between the pro leagues and the amateur leagues is that in the pro leagues, players are pitted against each other randomly, with absolutely no consideration put into the experience level of the players. In this case, if you are a higher level player, you should ditch the amateur leagues for the pro leagues because often, you’ll end up pitted against lower level players, making it an easy win.

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