Bingo Tour is a competitive cash e-sports bingo game by Avia Games, maker of the original Pocket7Games, which has been a huge success for the iOS and Android platforms. This game is bingo but with a twist; you and your competition use the exact same card with the exact same numbers, making this a pure battle of speed and reflexes.
You can earn cash in all sorts of competitions in this game (depending on what your region is – in some regions it’s illegal), but you often need some bonus cash in order to really get started. Bonus codes can be a good source of bonus cash, as well as other goodies.
Read on for a guide to finding more Bonus Codes, how to redeem them, and how to find more of them in Bingo Tour!
To get to the screen where you can redeem codes, tap on the shopping cart icon bottom of the screen. Scroll down to the bottom menu and look for the “mystery gift“ area. You will see a button that says “codes“.
Tap that button and you will be able to enter the code. Enter the code, confirm it, and then you will receive your reward, which is most likely bonus cash.
The difference between bonus cash and real cash is that bonus cash can only be used to enter cash tournaments in the game. You cannot redeem it. However, if you spend it all, win cash tournament, and don’t lose any of it, then you can withdraw that cash that you earned, allowing you to win money without actually spending money.
One of the best places to look for codes for this game is in the App Store itself. No matter what platform you downloaded this game on, go to the review page, or better yet, go to the review pages on both platforms. Look for somebody who left a review, and included a code in one of their reviews.
Another source is the social media for this game on for the developer. Check any of the social media channels, or better yet, check every single one of them, because each one of them is bound to contain unique codes that the other ones do not contain.
Facebook, of course, is the first place that you should start looking, because it’s the most popular social media platform in the world. Look for the official page that is run by the developer, and especially look in the comments sections on each of the posts, to see if anybody has posted codes.
Facebook groups are also a great source, because these are extremely popular places for players to discuss the game. That means you have a very high likelihood of finding codes there, so join the groups and use any code that you find, or post your own.
Go to the Subreddit for this game or for the developer and check all the post of been left behind by other players. Typically, when players find codes for this game, the first place that they’re going to post them on it is the Subreddit. Be sure to share any codes that you have that you don’t see shared by other players.
If you find a link to a Discord channel, then click it and accept the invite. Look through the chat for any message that contains codes, and to make it easier to find codes, use the search bar at the top of the app to search for the word “code“ to see if anybody has posted a code as part of a message.
Twitch and YouTube are great places to look for codes, because you’re likely going to find codes posted here that you’re not going to find posted anywhere else, and if you do find them posted anywhere else, they’re going to be posted after they make it to video, not before.
Streamers and video content creators sometimes get codes straight from the developer to share with the audiences, so be the beneficiary of that and go watch streams and videos. You could even become a streamer or a YouTube or about the game in contact with developer yourself once you start getting some traffic, and there’s a chance that they might send you a promo code.
Check the comment section on any of the above sources also, because players will likely comment with their own codes, even if the post or video isn’t necessarily related to codes. Check all of the common sections that you can.
Right now, being that this game is so new, there have been no universal codes that have been posted for this game. However, keep checking back here, because when we find codes for this game, we will be the first ones to post them.
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