BitLife: Top Tips, Walkthrough, Hacks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 4

Start preparing for college and career before you even get to middle school. Make decisions that will pay off down the line, even if your smarts and other stats are sky-high. Study once every year (doing it multiple times a year does nothing). The effects won’t show up immediately, but these will help you get scholarships after high school is done and get accepted to your college of choice, and studying hard in college will help you get more jobs that you interview for.

Similarly, keep doing all of the forms of self-improvement that are available to you – namely, all of the mind and body stuff. Going to the gym and the library increases your chances of landing that scholarship or that job. Meditation increases your chances of staying in good mental health, or avoiding ailments such as schizophrenia.

If you are going to emigrate, then make sure your finances can handle it. You’re going to have to quit your job, and it’ll be a crapshoot whether or not a job in a similar field will be available. If your job is not transferable to another job (I.E. high ranking enlisted military), emigration will be far more difficult than it would be if you have an easily transferable job, such as a nurse or computer programmer.

Sometimes, you’ll get a character to adulthood, get them a high-paying career, then realize that you still aren’t getting ahead. Their financial outflow is sky high for seemingly no reason. Sometimes it’s due to student loans, while other times it’s simply due to randomness. If this happens, your best bet is to simply start over with a new character. Student loans essentially last forever.

Play the lottery often. The lottery is a surprisingly easy way to get rich quickly because the chances of winning are far higher than they are in real life, and if you play often (ten tickets a year or so), you’ll get a win once every four or five characters, which is a significant winning percentage. Play when there is a big jackpot, especially, as there is a giant chance of winning.

If you want to be a certain sexuality, then you can. Most character will have “strong heterosexual tendencies” in my experiences, but no matter what their tendencies are, you can make them either straight, gay, or bisexual. From then on you can have the relationship with the guy, or girl, of your choice.

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