Blitz Brigade Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Blitz Brigade is a new online first person shooter for the iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Think of it as one big game of capture the flag, but with a whole lot of guns. You play as either the Axis or Allies, just like in World War II, and your goal is to kill as many of the other side’s soldiers as you can, and capture the flag if you can, all while avoiding getting shot or killed. Read on for some tips and tricks for Blitz Brigade!

The gyroscope is one of the most annoying aspects of the game – and by the gyroscope, I mean the fact that you have to turn your device in order to aim or change directions. If you don’t like the Gyroscope, go to the options menu and go to “controls” in order to turn it off. Once you do, you’ll be able to swipe to change directions.

The quickest way to get more coins and experience points (especially experience points) is to go online and play, and to skip the training missions. The training missions are good for some extra coins, but for experience points, they are nearly worthless.

However, ignore all of the power ups that you can purchase when you are playing in the quick game (random round, random map), and save all of your coins and gems for when you are playing against friends or people who you are just starting a new game with.

When shooting at someone, strafe side to side to ensure that they don’t shoot you or that they shoot you as little as possible. Make yourself a difficult target to hit, and shoot at them as much as possible before they get the chance to shoot you. Back off and take cover if they are going after you, then when they get distracted by another player on your team, go after them again and start shooting them.

Capture their flag by running up to their flag and waiting until the percentage meter hits 100 percent, and you will be awarded with a capture. Also, the best way to rack up kills is to land shots on an enemy who has already been weakened by a teammate. Get up close to them, and (if aim assist is still enabled) you will automatically aim at their head, doing more damage because of landing a headshot, and you will be able to kill them easily.