Level 101: To enter the biggest possible number, tap on the two zeros and hit enter. The two zeros look like an infinity symbol.
Level 102: If you move two matchsticks, then the largest number that you will be able to make is 31,181.
Level 103: To turn off the light to go to bed, put your phone face down or hold your phone so that it is facing downward.
Level 104: To get rid of the nasty fly, hold one finger down on the screen and the fly will land on it. Then tap it with another finger to smash it.
Level 105: No tricks here. The cheapest one is the video game controller, which has the lowest price out of all four of the items.
Level 106: You don’t have to save your mom and girlfriend because your character is actually asleep. Wake him up by shaking your phone.
Level 107: To make 5+5+5=550 true, tap on the first plus sign and it turns into 545+5=550.
Level 108: Simply do what the question says. Tap the fruits from left to right. Then tap the shapes. The square and the diamond are the same thing, so tap that shape twice.
Level 109: To give Jack the Minute Maid, shake your phone for between 10 and 20 seconds, then hand him the bottle of orange soda.
Level 110: For which dream you want to come true, tap on all three of the dreams at the same time with three different fingers.
Level 111: To tap on the menu, instead of tapping on the main menu of the game, tap on the light gray word “menu” hiding against a white background.
Level 112: To open the box, grab the box with one finger, and while holding it, use another finger to slide the lid up off of the box.
Level 113: In the case of this pattern, 5 = 43215.
Level 114: There are a total of 8 differences between the two pictures.
Level 115: Tap the blue button ten times, but ignore the number next to it because it skips a number. Then tap on the red button one time.
Level 116: Keep the scale balanced by taking everything out of both sides of the scale, so that neither side has any weight in it.
Level 117: To count the hair on the kid’s head, swipe on his head to make him turn around. He has a total of 38 hairs on his head.
Level 118: The coin cat is worth 9, the coin cat with a paw up is worth 10, the paws are worth 1 apiece, and the head is worth 5. Use PEMDAS. The answer is 14.
Level 119: Today is Tyke’s second birthday, so light the middle candle on the cake and then turn your phone sideways to tilt the flame and light one of the other two candles.
Level 120: To find the mother hen, use two fingers to zoom out on the screen and the mother hen will appear. Then tap on it.
Level 121: To help cross the bridge, tap on the car in order to make the driver get out and walk across the bridge.
Level 122: To figure out what the temperature is, out your finger on the bottom of the thermometer and wait for it to reach your body temperature, then enter it into the entry box.
Level 123: To mix red and blue together, put your finger over the mouth of the test tube and shake your phone.
Level 124: To put the giraffe in the fridge, zoom in on the fridge with two fingers to make it bigger than the giraffe. Then put the fridge over the giraffe.
Level 125: To turn off the light again, swipe on the lightbulb over and over to unscrew it until it turns off.
Level 126: Between the numbers 1 and 199, the number 1 is used a total of 140 times.
Level 127: To get the bunny to the carrot, give the bunny one of the hearts in the upper left corner of the screen. The bunny will grow huge. Then use the directional and jump buttons to jump across the platform.
Level 128: ET left with the UFO, so there are five letters gone out of the 26 letters total. That means 21 letters are left.
Level 129: To light up all of the bulbs, drag the right bulb off of the screen and then start hitting switches until you turn on the remaining two bulbs.
Level 130: One of the candles is 70cm and burns out in six hours, the other is 50cm and burns in three hours. They will be the same length in six hours, when they are both completely melted.
Level 131: each equation is actually the left side multiplied by the left side with a minus sign. (7+3)(7-3) = 410
Level 132: To cut the baby’s hair, rock your phone like you’re rocking a baby until the baby falls asleep. Then use the clippers to give it a haircut.
Level 133: To pop the champagne, shake the phone up until you feel it vibrate. Then pop the cork off with your finger.
Level 134: Each grape is worth one and each plant is worth two. The total for the last equation is 20.
Level 135: Tap on the bottom right switch and on the switch next to the top right one, then tap the OK button to get some water.
Level 136: To figure out which sheep is actually the wolf, take the meat and put it in front of the sheep to see which one gets excited eyes. Then while the excited eyes are out, use a different finger to drag the sheep clothes up off of the wolf.
Level 137: To wake up the baby for the milk, wind the clock forward until the baby wakes up. Then bring the milk bottle up to the baby’s face to get it to drink the milk.
Level 138: To make the paper windmill spin quickly, all that you have to do is wave your phone around to simulate wind resistance hitting the phone, then the pinwheel will spin.
Level 139: To find a heart, all that you have to do is take the two red bullet shapes, and put one of them on top of the other, to make them look like a heart shape.
Level 140: To enter the time, enter whatever the current time is on your phone. If it’s a PM time, then enter it in military time (for example, 2:31 PM will be entered as 14:31)
Level 141: Do the opposite of what the directions tell you to do, which is not to pick up the stone. Pick up the stone by lifting it with three fingers at the same time.
Level 142: To count the triangles, tap on the shape and drag, and one of the triangles will lift off. Then count the total number of triangles in both shapes. There are 7 triangles total.
Level 143: To help the cat catch a fish, shake the phone to pull the lure out of the water. Then take the worm and put it on the lure, then drop it back into the water. Then shake the phone again to pull it out of the water with a fish on it.
Level 144: To make a skate, tilt the heart onto its left side. Then tilt the F-shaped purple item so it looks like an ice skate blade. Then take the brown disc (bottom of the coffee cup) and put it onto the top of the heart, so it looks like the top of an ice skate.
Level 145: The note in the box tells you that the calendar date is yesterday, so add one day to it. Then subtract 16 from 2019 since it’s Zozo’s 16th birthday. The password is 20030816.
Level 146: To help him escape from the secret room, unscrew the lightbulb to make it dark so the guard doesn’t catch you. Then hit the escape button over and over until you break out.
Level 147: To free Pigsy from the monster, pick up the monster and shake it to free a golden band. Put the band on the monkey’s head to turn it into the Monkey King. Give it a chair leg to use as a staff and it will attack the monster.
Level 148: An easy way to find all of the hidden items is just to tap randomly around the picture, and you’ll find most of them. After that, then look for the ones that you haven’t found yet.
Level 149: To pick the fruit, grab the logs and place them on the tree trunk, one above the other. Then grab the ropes and place them at the base of the tree. The logs and the rope will combine into a ladder.
Level 150: To make the equation true, flip the 9 upside down by rotating it to make it a 6. Then tap 13, 11, and 6. 13+11+6=30.