Brain:code is a new logic puzzle game for the iOS and Android with puzzles that are legitimately difficult, making it feel like the hardest game on the entire platform sometimes. Luckily, we have the answers to all of the levels right here in this article.
Read on for all answers, solutions, cheats, and level tricks in Brain:code!
Level 1: Six 9 (turn six into nine)
Answer: /rotate:180
Level 2: Rescue the Bird
Answer: /theme:white (makes the white cage disappear)
Level 3: Stop the animation when it says “level completed”
Answer: /anim.stop
Level 4: +7=10-
Answer: use /select:c1, /anim.stop, /select:c2, then /anim.stop again to make it 1+7=10+2
Level 5: Mom, Level, Wow, Redder
Answer: /text:palindrome
Level 6: Black dot in a circle
Answer: /anim:start then tilt your phone until the black dot goes back inside the circle
Level 7: need moooooooooooore space
Answer: /text: (then hit the spacebar about 12 times)
Level 8: elgnangle Angle
Answer: /text:triangle
Level 9: @-l %-e (-h :-g =-m !-i +-a #-k *-t )-s
Answer: /text:i like this game
Level 10: small circle rotating around a big circle
Answer: /text:384400 (that is the distance between moon and earth in KM)
Level 11: (upside down picture of italy)
Answer: /text:italy
Level 12: repair the keyboard
Answer: /rotate:180 to go to ASCII mode, then:
/text:119 = w
/text:105 = i
/text:115 = s
/text:103 = g
/text:107 = k
/text:100 = d
/text:118 = v
Level 13: (doesn’t exist)
Level 14: red + blue =
Answer: /text:brown
Level 15: squares on a graphing paper:
Answer: /select:r1
/move: -150,25
/move:75,225 (android) /move:75,175 (iOS)
/move: -125,175 (Android) or -125,125 (iOS)
/move:125,-175 (Android) or -125,75 (iOS)
Level 16: night level
Answer: set your phone’s time to night time to see the picture. It’s ursa major. Type /text:ursa major
Level 17: a Google Map picture of a heart
Answer: /text:heart
Level 18: Four balls on the screen
Answer: /anim:start then tilt your phone 90 degrees to the left four times to find the balls
Level 19: Three fruit and a shopping basket
Answer: /select:apple
Level 20: How many levels left?
Answer:/info to see the number of levels, then /text:10
Level 21: binary number system rabbits
Answer: /text:101 (in binary code, 101 = 5)
Level 22: Show magic! Can you draw the rabbit from the box?
Answer: /move:100
Level 23: two-way road
Answer: /text:———–
Level 24: show the airplane
Answer: Turn on airplane mode on your phone or tablet
Level 25: QR code
Answer: Screen-capture the QR code, email it to yourself on another device, then go to brain:code and type /Scan and use the camera to scan it
Level 26: coordinates on a map
Answer: /text:acdc
Level 27: Brain code website is
Answer: Located in the website source code is the answer. It is:
Level 28: vla sox ilyh
Answer: /text:11
Level 29: What answer was skipped?
Answer: /text:13
Level 30: white dot in a circle again
/anim:start then tilt your phone until the black dot goes back inside the circle
Level 31: break the keyboard
Answer: /level:12, then /level:31
Level 32: See you next time
Answer: Close out the game three times and reopen it all three times then type /select:don’t and /move:2000,2000
Level 33: three coordinates in a triangle
Answer: /text:bermuda triangle
Level 34: 5+5=25
Answer: /select:+ then rotate:45
Level 35: i overcome laziness
Answer: /text:apollo, /level:13, /anim:start
Level 36: milkshake
Answer: /select:milk, /move: (different x/y coordinates depending on screen dimensions), /select:strawberry, /move:-100,-120
Level 37: you need my help
Answer: /help, /anim:start, then when 11 becomes 1, do /anim:stop
Level 38: just enter what you need
Answer: /text:level completed
Level 39: find all exit buttons
Answer: click and close the hint button, then click the back button, then type /scan and x out of the camera, then type /menu then x out, then tap “exit”
Level 40: Have you carefully read all the hints between the levels?
Answer: /text:yes, the game will ask have you read level 32. Then move the white circle around to find 8 7 9 1 2
Level 41: charge the level
Answer: plug in your phone, then /anim:start twice
Level 42: polyglot thirty-three
Answer: go to /menu then change the language and it will say Minus for a hint. Do the same thing again and it will say Uno. /text:32
Level 43: What will grow on the tree?
Answer: set your phone time 10 years ahead to grow the fruit. It will be /text:mango
Level 44: Another rotating equation circle.
Answer: /select:c1, /move:400, /select:c2, /move:-400, /select:c1, /anim:stop on 4, /select:c2, /anim:stop at 1
Level 45: What was the answer on the first question?
Answer: /text:yes
Level 46: everybody makes mistakes
Answer: /rotate:46
Level 47: – . -. .–. .-.. ..- …
Answer: /anim:start, then /text:11
Level 48: four coordinates
Answer: they give the shape of a Playstation controller’s buttons, so /text:playstation
Level 49: win the minigame
Answer: click on the button, then play tic tac toe with a smile on your face
Level 50: look from a different angle
Answer: face the phone toward the ground and rotate it 90 degrees, then touch the screen.