Buddyman: Kick 2 – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Buddyman: Kick 2 is the latest in the series of rag-doll-beating games by the makers of the long-running Kick the Buddy series. Buddyman is a fork of the original in which Buddy becomes a superhero. His only power, of course, mainly, is the power to allow you to beat the ever-living crap out of him with almost any weapon you can think of. Read on for some tips and tricks for Buddyman: Kick 2!

Every time that you kill Buddyman, you’ll lose one energy heart/life in this game. Hearts allow you to keep on playing and once you run out, you have to wait for at least one of them to come back before you can kill Buddyman again. If you don’t want to wait for them to come back, simply set the time ahead on your iOS device by 5 minutes per heart, and then all of the hearts will be back instantly.

The same trick works for a weapon too, after it breaks, since a weapon will stay broken for 5 minutes before you can use it again. If you have more than two weapons, though, you will never have a moment with every weapon being broken, so the best recourse while waiting for a weapon to come back is to simply switch to another weapon.

Keep attacking/kicking Buddyman consistently, because any time that you hit him or hurt him and he’s not dead and your weapon’s not broken, that earns you coins. Save up your coins for even more weapons. Do this gradually in order to earn as many weapons as possible.

Tap on the face of the wizard in the right hand corner of the screen to see all three of your current missions. For each mission that you complete you’ll earn a big reward, usually consisting of experience points but sometimes consisting of other goods, such as coins or gems. Tap on the “magnifying glass” button to automatically purchase whatever you need for said mission.

Tap on the free coin or gems buttons, and you will be able to use them in order to watch videos for free currency. The coin video button is almost useless, with only 10 coins per watched video, but the gem button gives you 5 gems per watched video, which adds up very quickly and allows you to purchase some rare kick weapons.