Call Me Emperor: Walkthrough, Cheats, Tips, and Strategy Guide

Call Me Emperor is a new mobile RPG for the iOS and Android platforms that puts you in the position of a young emperor. Your goal is to increase your fame, do battle with those who would challenge your power, and run your kingdom the best that you can, both on your own and with the help of your ministers.

You can earn and spend Taels, complete all sorts of quests, unlock a huge range of new minister, power them up, and enact taxes, levies, and recruitments on your new kingdom.

Read on for some tips and tricks for Call Me Emperor!

From early on in the game, start using your tael to level up your ministers. Ministers provide boosts to your commerce, agriculture, politics, and military, all of which combine to increase the total power of your kingdom, and your main goal in this game is to have the most powerful kingdom possible.

Power them up one level at a time. You can power them ten levels at a time, but if you do that, then the chance of a miracle happening drops to 0%. A miracle is when you level up your minister once, and they gain a number of bonus levels without you having to spend anything.

Not only should you power up your ministers, but get new ministers by administering the Imperial Exam as often as possible. Listen to what the three candidates say, and pick depending on what you want and need for your kingdom.

The combined rating of all of your ministers in commerce, agriculture, politics, and military, decides how much they will earn you when you enact a levy. Your levies are tax levy, grain levy, and recruitment (which uses up the food that you earn during the grain levy). Enact them as often as possible both to gain troops and resources and to complete the given quests.

Also, you’ll earn a large number of books as a quest reward; grant out the books, especially based on who you want to help reach their maximum potential in a specific category. They’re a quick way to increase the power of your kingdom and of individual ministers without having to spend any Tael.

When you’re fighting in the stage area, keep going until you run out of troops. There isn’t a penalty for running out, but the farther you fight, the more quest rewards you can collect at once, and the less fighting you’ll have to do later. Plus, if you already have a good number of ministers, you can fight and fight and fight much farther than you may think you can.

Once your troops run out and you lose, go back to the upgrade area and level up your ministers – especially your more military-centered ones – using Tael, books, and more. Max out the levels, or at least take them as far as you can while keeping them even, then fight again and you’ll have a gigantic amount of troops.

Another way to upgrade your troops for free is to go do the naval battles. Your goal in these games is to line up the crosshair, tap, and fire accurately. Get the bullseye closer to the center of the crosshair, tap and fire, and you’ll do the highest possible amount of damage.

Your goal is to take down as many enemy ships as possible in the naval battles. When you smash an enemy ship, every single one of your council members will gain experience and level up, so you can gain kingdom power without having to spend either Yael or books.

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