CastleVille Legends (iOS) Tips and Tricks Guide: Cheats, Hints and Strategies

CastleVille Legends is the new iOS sequel to the original Facebook game CastleVille, and so far, it looks like it’s the first Zynga game ever (other than the With Friends titles and poker) to finally take advantage of the iPhone and iPad in just the right way. CastleVille Legends brings the series from the 2D realm into the 3D realm just like FarmVille 2 and CityVille 2 did, and it dispenses the energy metric, making for a game that you can literally play all day if you so choose. Read on for some tips and tricks for CastleVille Legends!

Like many iPhone games, you can rush any job to completion in CastleVille Legends by setting the time on your phone ahead, even with iOS 7 installed. Go to the settings menu, then go to the date and time menu, then set the time ahead by however long it will take the job (construction, crafting, etc) to complete. Once you collect what you need to collect, go back to date and time and set everything back to normal again. Then repeat as needed.

Lost and can’t figure out what to do? You can always go back to the home of the wizard and tap on the home (or the wizard himself) to see what quest is next. Tap on each of the individual tasks, and the game will tell you exactly where to find, buy or craft the item that you need, and what you need in order to craft the specific item.

Always try to get a surplus of any item you need. For example, you can get water out of the lake, so tap on the lake over and over to pull water out so you can collect apples (and later on, other crops such as oats) over and over again.

In fact, to do this more easily, go to the store and look at what your maximums are of certain buildings. You have to pay crowns in order to buy some of them, such as the workshop, but to buy things such as the trail kitchen, all that you have to pay is coins, and you can build as many as six trail kitchens.

To save up coins for these various buildings, aside from doing the main quests for the story, harvest crops and have items such as arrows and torches crafted at various workshops (beginning with the woodshop, and moving on to other shops that you have unlocked), then sell them all at the market.

Click here to continue to part two of the CastleVille Legends tips and tricks guide!