Catching a Cheater (iOS game): All Answers and Solutions to All Levels, Stages, and Questions

Case 01: My Hubby Away For Work

Stage 1-1, Question 1: Tap on his ring finger, because he took off his wedding ring.

Stage 1-1, Question 2: Tap on the red-painted fingernails of the other girl in the frame.

Stage 1-1, Question 3: The clue who he was with is Mary Prentice’s comment “It was so delicious”, so tap that one.

Case 02: My Fiance

Stage 1-2, Question 1: The video game system in the right hand corner in between the two, which kind of looks like an Xbox One, is the clue.

Stage 1-2, Question 2: Did she prepare the ashtray for the guest? Tap on the ashtray.

Stage 1-2, Question 3: You can tell he might have been here before because the cat is way too friendly with him, so tap on the cat.

Stage 1-2, Question 4: The definitive proof that he has been here before is the gray hoodie on the coat rack, so tap it.

Case 03: A Giraffe-Like Boyfriend

Stage 1-3, Question 1: The sugar cubes on the counter in the kitchen are the clue that someone else has been here before.

Stage 1-3, Question 2: The recipe for the creamy pasta is the clue that someone else has been here.

Stage 1-3, Question 3: The clue that a short person has been there is a step stool toward the right side of the kitchen, so the shorty can reach the counter.

Case 04: The Hottest Man At Work

Stage 1-4, Question 1: The note from the other girl is the heart-shaped piece of paper on his desk.

Stage 1-4, Question 2: The present on his desk (it’s wrapped in a ribbon) is a clue that the birthday of someone else might have been celebrated.

Stage 1-4, Question 3: The clue that he slept somewhere else is his hair, which is a bit messy in the picture.

Stage 1-4, Question 4: The girl’s hair in the picture is the clue that she slept somewhere else with him.

Case 05: Middle Age Husband

Stage 1-5, Question 1: The cologne bottle in his room is the clue that he is cheating.

Stage 1-5, Question 2: The red handkerchief in his coat pocket is indicative of his sudden fashion awakening.

Stage 1-5, Question 3: The red book in the top left corner of the bookshelf is titled “How To Get Laid”, which is the clue, so tap on it.

Stage 1-5, Question 4: The box with a ribbon on it inside his suitcase is the clue, here.

Case 06: My Sexy Boyfriend

Stage 1-6, Question 1: The air freshener is the thing that he has no use for.

Stage 1-6, Question 2: The hickeys on the boyfriend’s neck are a clue that someone else has been at the house.

Stage 1-6, Question 3: The used condom on his bed sticking out from under the blanket is a clue that someone else has been over.

Stage 1-6, Question 4: You can see her in the mirror, meaning that she is still in the house, so tap on her mirrored face.

Case 07: An Irresponsible Boyfriend

Stage 1-7, Question 1: The water on the sink is the indicator that the house has not been empty for three days.

Stage 1-7, Question 2: The pink hair tie on the towel rack is something that he doesn’t need.

Stage 1-7, Question 3: The pregnancy test on the counter is an indication that that’s something his actual GF needed.

Case 08: An Indoor Person

Stage 1-8, Question 1: The glasses on the far right side of the picture are something that he doesn’t need due to his perfect eyesight.

Stage 1-8, Question 2: The fact that he has two kinds of cigarettes on the coffee table are also a clue.

Stage 1-8, Question 3: The book in the top left corner that says “FRANCE” is the indicator that he doesn’t mind going outside with her.

Case 09: My Artistic Boyfriend

Stage 1-9, Question 1: He said he was shooting pictures at highlands, so why does he have the swimsuit with him?

Stage 1-9, Question 2: Inside the envelope on the left side of the suitcase lid is a condom, so tap on that.

Stage 1-9, Question 3: The picture of the girl to the right of the suitcase is his secret girlfriend.

Case 10: My Geeky Boyfriend

Stage 1-10 Question 1: The bottles of beer made her think that he might have passed out with his buddies.

Stage 1-10 Question 2: The small red suit on the coat rack doesn’t fit him, so that is the next clue.

Stage 1-10 Question 3: The flyer on the floor for the escort service is the third clue that he was cheating.

Stage 1-10 Question 4: On his desk is the computer monitor that shows that he was checking out the escort service website.

Case 11: Streamer Boyfriend

Stage 1-11 Question 1: The proof that someone else is there was the chat message saying “ooh i heard a girl”.

Stage 1-11 Question 2: The pink bottle of liquor in the foreground is the indicator that he isn’t the only one there.

Stage 1-11 Question 3: Her hair is barely visible on the right side of the screen, but that’s the next bit of proof.

Stage 1-11 Question 4: You can see her reflection in the window, with pajamas on, showing that she is staying the night.

Case 12: A Boy Racer

Stage 1-12 Question 1: The brown hair on the floor of the passenger side is the clue that someone else was there.

Stage 1-12 Question 2: The cell phone in the glovebox is a hint that she enjoyed her ride.

Stage 1-12 Question 3: The ripped orange pantyhose in the right hand door is the next clue.

Stage 1-12 Question 4: The hard evidence is that the GPS is locked into the word “motel”.

Case 13: My Casual-Fashion Lover

Stage 1-13 Question 1: The white shirt is a bit formal for his style, so that is the first clue.

Stage 1-13 Question 2: The folded white t-shirts next to his boxers are the next clue that she hasn’t seen him wear.

Stage 1-13 Question 3: The white purse with the bow on it at the top of the closet is definitely not his.

Stage 1-13 Question 4: The pair of woman’s underwear hiding in between his folded towels is the final clue.

Case 14: My Guy In A Bowl Cut

Stage 1-14 Question 1: The clock on the wall is the clue that he should have been home by now.

Stage 1-14 Question 2: He would never be interested in the horoscope book because he doesn’t care for fortune telling.

Stage 1-14 Question 3: The pink moisturizer bottle on the counter is half-empty, so someone else might have been using it.

Case 15: My Chubby Boyfriend

Stage 1-15 Question 1: The pink nightgown in the closet is something he would not wear.

Stage 1-15 Question 2: The folded shirts in the bottom left drawer are an indicator that she cleans his place.

Stage 1-15 Question 3: The “Shanel” bag in the top left corner of the closet is the expensive gift that he plans to give her.

Case 16: Madly in Love with Cars

Stage 1-16 Question 1: The low gas light on the dashboard indicates that he has actually driven around.

Stage 1-16 Question 2: After the heater was turned on, the heart mark appeared on the passenger window.

Stage 1-16 Question 3: The lie about the coffee being his is indicated by the lipstick on the side of the coffee cup.

Stage 1-16 Question 4: You can tell she is short because the passenger seat is pulled all the way forward.

Case 17: My Casanova Boyfriend

Stage 1-17 Question 1: The scratchers on the right side of the table indicate that he has been seeing a bar waitress.

Stage 1-17 Question 2: One of the cigarette butts has a lipstick stain on it, indicating that someone else was there.

Stage 1-17 Question 3: The makeup container on the couch indicates that the side chick dropped it when she fled.

Stage 1-17 Question 4: Where is she now? She is behind the curtain.

Case 18: My Flirtatious Player Boyfriend

Stage 1-18 Question 1: The source of the good scent in the bathroom is the flower vase.

Stage 1-18 Question 2: The false eyelash on the toilet makes her wonder if he is a cross dresser.

Stage 1-18 Question 3: The blue tape on the floor is the kind used for sanitary napkins.

Stage 1-18 Question 4: The pink trash can indicates that they might be living together.

Case 19: My Spoiled Boyfriend

Stage 1-19 Question 1: The food in the sink indicates that he was lying about not eating.

Stage 1-19 Question 2: The basil in the spice rack indicates that he doesn’t actually hate herbs.

Stage 1-19 Question 3: The kitchen timer on the wall is the indication that the other person is a cook.

Stage 1-19 Question 4: The two mugs put together that form a heart on their design is the clue here.

Case 20: My Dear Overachiever

Stage 1-20 Question 1: The picture on his nightstand is him and his dog, suggesting that he wanted to erase evidence of her.

Stage 1-20 Question 2: The scrunchie on the bed suggests that someone else was in the bed with him.

Stage 1-20 Question 3: The blonde hair on the floor on his jacket doesn’t match his girlfriend’s black hair.

Stage 1-20 Question 4: His lips have lipstick left over from the girl that he was cheating with.

Case 21: A Cutie With Thick Glasses

Stage 2-1 Question 1: He doesn’t need the contact lens holders on the right side of the counter.

Stage 2-1 Question 2: The I-shaped razor, or straight razor, on the counter is not his (the red one).

Stage 2-1 Question 3: The pink bottle under the counter that says “remover” indicates that a woman is living there.

Stage 2-1 Question 4: That bag with the travel size toothbrush and toothpaste on his shelf is the indicator that he enjoyed outside trips.

Case 22: My Bald Boyfriend

Stage 2-2 Question 1: The yellow pantyhose is the first clue that someone else was there.

Stage 2-2 Question 2: He really doesn’t need the hair conditioner that is on the right side of the sink.

Stage 2-2 Question 3: The white sanitary napkins inside of the basket towards the bottom of the sink are an indicator that she is here a lot.

Stage 2-2 Question 4: He tried to claim that the hairpins on the bathtub are his ex’s, but that’s not true at all

Case 23: My Happily Fed Husband

Stage 2-3 Question 1: The gym poster on the fridge is the first clue that something is amiss.

Stage 2-3 Question 2: It looks like he invited a woman due to the lipstick stain on the tea cup near the sink.

Stage 2-3 Question 3: The hint that she smoked in the house is the polka dotted lighter on the counter.

Stage 2-3 Question 4: You can tell that they made love on the counter because of the condom package near the oranges.

Case 24: Cute As a Puppy

Stage 2-4 Question 1: It smells so nice because of the fabric softener, the pink bottle on the shelf.

Stage 2-4 Question 2: Why isn’t he using the mesh laundry bag on the hanger?

Stage 2-4 Question 3: You can tell someone fixed their makeup due to the oil absorbing pad (the blue one) on the counter.

Stage 2-4 Question 4: One other proof of the affair with several women is the lipstick stain on one of his shirts in the dryer.

Case 25: My Dependent Boyfriend

Stage 2-5 Question 1: The press-on fingernails sitting on the dresser are the evidence.

Stage 2-5 Question 2: The blue contact lens in his bed makes her think that he and the girl were at a costume party.

Stage 2-5 Question 3: The adult toy under the bed (the pink one) is the next clue.

Stage 2-5 Question 4: She’s still hiding in the room, on the far right side of the screen.

Case 26: My Natural Curls

Stage 2-6 Question 1: You can tell he had a girl over because of the two bathrobes, one white and one pink.

Stage 2-6 Question 2: The cotton pad on the ground is an indicator that she was here this morning.

Stage 2-6 Question 3: He would definitely never use the hair curling wand on the sink.

Case 27: My Cheerful Husband

Stage 2-7 Question 1: She’s surprised that he saw Love Stolen, the movie on the flyer on the desk.

Stage 2-7 Question 2: The suspicious note in the planner says Perks Bar @8PM.

Stage 2-7 Question 3: You can tell what she looks like because her picture is next to the planner.

Stage 2-7 Question 4: The “I Love You” text on the tablet is further evidence.

Case 28: Antisocial Boy

Stage 2-8 Question 1: The heel pad on the floor is evidence that another woman was there.

Stage 2-8 Question 2: The shoebox in the cabinet that has a picture of a high heeled shoe on it is the next piece of proof.

Stage 2-8 Question 3: Her large pink suitcase indicates that he went on a trip with her and she left it at the house.

Stage 2-8 Question 4: The final piece of evidence is the flowery flip flops on the left hand side of the shoe cabinet.

Case 29: Pottery Club Boyfriend

Stage 2-9 Question 1: The suspicion is that the guy’s hair is neater than usual. He’s the guy with his arm around the other guy on the right side.

Stage 2-9 Question 2: The sign on the whiteboard saying “Who’s not going to summer camp? BF/Rachel” is strange.

Stage 2-9 Question 3: The right side of the mug next to the girl on the left is the strange part of the mugs.

Stage 2-9 Question 4: The most infuriating portion of the picture is where his feet and the girl’s feet are connected.

Case 30: The Change In My Husband

Stage 2-10 Question 1: The male enhancement box is the obvious clue here, since they haven’t been intimate in a year.

Stage 2-10 Question 2: His wedding ring is in the bottom drawer, and he is not wearing it today.

Stage 2-10 Question 3: The envelope with the heart on it is the part that looks recent and suspicious.

Stage 2-10 Question 4: He forgot to take his phone with him. He left it in the bottom drawer instead.

Case 31: Ninja Boyfriend

Stage 2-11 Question 1: The two phones on the nightstand are the part that looks off.

Stage 2-11 Question 2: The reddish blonde hair on the pillow is neither his color nor her color.

Stage 2-11 Question 3: The handprint on the window is evidence that he was cheating and enjoying risky pleasure.

Stage 2-11 Question 4: The polish on the toenails indicates that it’s actually her feet sticking out of the bed.

Case 32: Sweetie

Stage 2-12 Question 1: He’s a manly guy, so why would he use the eco bag with the rabbit design on it?

Stage 2-12 Question 2: The book on the coffee table is a bit girly for his traditionally masculine tastes.

Stage 2-12 Question 3: The bag of chips in the trash might be something that he had ready for someone else.

Stage 2-12 Question 4: The girl forgot her eyeliner pens on his coffee table, indicating that they are pretty intimate.

Case 33: Smiling Cutie

Stage 2-13 Question 1: The vase full of flowers on the table wouldn’t necessarily be expected in a single man’s house.

Stage 2-13 Question 2: The broken lamp in the upper left corner of the room is suspicious.

Stage 2-13 Question 3: Is the girl in the picture in the middle with the mark on her face his girlfriend?

Stage 2-13 Question 4: The blood peeking through the bandage on his hand is suspicious, possibly indicating that he is abusive.

Case 34: Independent Boy

Stage 2-14 Question 1: The two coffee mugs still look like they are hot.

Stage 2-14 Question 2: He has two phone chargers including the empty one above his bed, which is suspicious for someone with one phone.

Stage 2-14 Question 3: The magazine on his nightstand is not usually at the apartment of a single guy.

Stage 2-14 Question 4: There is a used sanitary napkin in the garbage bag, indicating that a woman has been there.

Case 35: Bronze Skin Hottie

Stage 2-15 Question 1: There are too many chairs at the table for it to be a single man’s house.

Stage 2-15 Question 2: The knitting is the indicator that he might or might not have a “cute hobby”.

Stage 2-15 Question 3: The suspicious spot is the child’s drawing on the wall.

Stage 2-15 Question 4: He has a gold wedding ring on his left ring finger, which indicates that he is actually married.

Case 36: Younger Boyfriend

Stage 3-1 Question 1: There is a container of vape juice at the top left corner of the picture, next to the TV.

Stage 3-1 Question 2: Just to the right of the vape, on the floor, is the yoga mat. Is this his new hobby?

Stage 3-1 Question 3: His hair is short, so he doesn’t need to use the yellow hair clip that’s sitting on the coffee table.

Stage 3-1 Question 4: The other thing that she left here is the woman’s watch, on the left side of the TV cabinet.

Case 37: Hoarder Boy

Stage 3-2 Question 1: Why did he decide to get the gray jacket hanging up on the clothing rack washed?

Stage 3-2 Question 2: You can also see that he bought a brand new vacuum cleaner, which is still in the box on the left side of the room.

Stage 3-2 Question 3: That small red spool-looking thing on the floor is the hair roller, which it seems out of character for him to use.

Stage 3-2 Question 4: The other evidence that a woman was there is the bra pad on the floor, next to the red magazines.

Case 38: New Guy at the Office

Stage 3-3 Question 1: The woman’s leotard is the first thing in the boxes that looks suspicious.

Stage 3-3 Question 2: The next thing is the note of encouragement, which is “You can do it!” written on one of the boxes.

Stage 3-3 Question 3: The next clue is the card that says (heart) Anniversary BF Amy (heart), on the lower right side of the screen.

Stage 3-3 Question 4: The clue on the floor is the picture of the girl in the purple sweater, because the sweater is also hanging in his closet.

Case 39: My Lean Babe

Stage 3-4 Question 1: The underwear that he is wearing is inside-out. You can tell because the tag is showing out of the front.

Stage 3-4 Question 2: The box of cotton pads on the right side of the counter is the thing that he is not into.

Stage 3-4 Question 3: The shower cap with the flowers on it is definitely not something that he would wear.

Stage 3-4 Question 4: The tampon box under the sink proves how much audacity the guy has.

Case 40: Rich and Executive

Stage 3-5 Question 1: Why would he have taken off the tie that is currently draped over his chair at work?

Stage 3-5 Question 2: The suspicious item under his desk that indicates how close they are is the black high-heel.

Stage 3-5 Question 3: He has a box of male enhancement medicine right in his trash can.

Stage 3-5 Question 4: She left a note with a kiss on it on his desk.

Case 41: Gigolo

Stage 3-6 Question 1: How did the animal fur get all over the guy’s sleeve on his blue hoodie?

Stage 3-6 Question 2: The quality certificate from Pika Jewelry is making her hope that he is not involved in some kind of scam.

Stage 3-6 Question 3: He has a luxury brand pass on his desk which is unusual for someone who can’t cover his rent.

Stage 3-6 Question 4: He has a brand new cigarette sitting in his ashtray, which hints that someone else is there.

Case 42: Sudden Love for Dogs

Stage 3-7 Question 1: The dog food on his counter is unusual considering he bans pets from the house.

Stage 3-7 Question 2: There is a lint roller on the floor that is full of pet hair.

Stage 3-7 Question 3: The bite marks on his right arm are from a human, not from a dog.

Stage 3-7 Question 4: The picture on his computer background is the picture of the other woman and of her dog.

Case 43: Babe Who Rarely Drives

Stage 3-8 Question 1: He usually has his car keys (hanging on the rack, with the black fob on them) locked away so it’s unusual that they’re out.

Stage 3-8 Question 2: The next suspicious indicator is the book called “All about road trips!”

Stage 3-8 Question 3: If he didn’t drive himself, then he wouldn’t have the “ETC” card sitting out in the open.

Stage 3-8 Question 4: There is a picture of him and the girl on the left side of the screen with the words “Walt RS” next to it.

Case 44: Part-timer Boyfriend

Stage 3-9 Question 1: The finance newspaper is something that he would not be super likely to read.

Stage 3-9 Question 2: The calendar blatantly shows what his days off are.

Stage 3-9 Question 3: The pizza box proves that he was in the house recently.

Stage 3-9 Question 4: The cute bear on the fridge is the final proof that a girl was there.

Case 45: Gamer Boy

Stage 3-10 Question 1: The game labeled WeeParty is a party game for multiple people, which is surprising for it to even be there.

Stage 3-10 Question 2: It’s surprising that he files his nails but he has a nail file in the pen cup on the left.

Stage 3-10 Question 3: The round hair brush on his bed is something that he wouldn’t need due to the short hair.

Stage 3-10 Question 4: There is an open box of condoms in the closet that was not open before.

10 thoughts on “Catching a Cheater (iOS game): All Answers and Solutions to All Levels, Stages, and Questions”

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