Jumpy Jack – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 2

One of the number one keys to this game (and there are many, but this more than most others) is to RELAX. This game has the ability more than almost any other game besides Flappy Bird to get your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping. When this happens, you are more likely to misjudge a […Read More]

Disco Zoo: How to win without spending any real-life money

Disco Zoo is NimbleBit’s bizarre, retro-styled venture into the zoo games genre. You can collect all sorts of animals be they real, extinct, or even mythical, show them off in your zoo, and earn a nice fancy profit just for doing so. Being that it’s a freemium game there are plenty of opportunities to spend […Read More]

Disco Zoo: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Page 2

5) Use the Disco parties to double your coin earnings. During a disco party, your animals will earn double the coins per minute that the party goes on. Plus, they will not fall asleep for the duration of the entire disco party. In addition, once the party is over, they will have their awake times […Read More]

Disco Zoo: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats

Disco Zoo is NimbleBit’s bizarre entry into the rather crowded genre of zoo-management games. Luckily, this is a pretty unique take on the genre. You can collect real animals, extinct animals such as dinosaurs, and even mythical animals such as gryphons, unicorns and yetis. Read on for the top ten tips and tricks for Disco […Read More]

Disco Zoo – How to get more coins and free Discobux

Disco Zoo is the latest game by NimbleBit, who is most famous for Pocket Planes and Tiny Tower. This game puts you in charge of running a zoo, and for some reason, you can have disco parties at this particular zoo. Your goal is to collect as many animals as possible, and in turn, collect […Read More]

Disco Zoo – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 3

There are shortcuts for almost everything in this game. For example, if you want to go anywhere in your zoo without having to scroll all the way there, tap on the map screen and you will have buttons that will take you straight to the entrance and the helipad. Also, you can tap on any […Read More]

Disco Zoo – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 2

Discobux are the premium currency of the game, and are surprisingly a very common find. You can spend money on them if you want, but they can very easily by found for free. One common location is in the rescue missions. If there are discobux available there, they will show in the top of the […Read More]

Royal Revolt 2: How to win without spending any real-life money

Royal Revolt 2 is a player vs player reverse tower defense game that never ends. You only attack other players (and fend off their attacks), and as you get stronger, generally, so do they. Sometimes, it might seem like you have to spend real-life money to get the game to speed up, to get things […Read More]

Royal Revolt 2: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Page 2

5) Build more farms and upgrade your existing farms as high as possible. You can build your third farm when your throne room is at level 2, and your fourth farm when your throne room is at level four. Your maximum upgrade level for each farm (and anything else, for that matter) is one level […Read More]

Royal Revolt 2: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats

Royal Revolt 2 is the PvP sequel to one of the most popular “reverse tower defense” games of all time – a game that proved so popular that the Thor: TDW game was made in the very same genre. Your mission is to mobilize your hero and his troops and to destroy other players’ castles […Read More]