How to play Castle Story for iOS: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Castle Story for the iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch! Castle Story is a game that will appeal to fans of CastleVille and of kingdom building games in general. You play as a young royal who is trying to rebuild your kingdom, expand and grow it, and fight […Read More]

Castle Story for iOS: How to get more royal points and coins

In Castle Story, two of the most important acquisitions are coins and royal points. Royal points are a way of ranking how ‘royal’ your kingdom is, but more importantly, they are necessary if you want to buy expansions for your kingdom. Coins are the primary currency of the game, and almost everything that you do […Read More]

Guide to Castle Story for iOS, part 2: More tips, tricks, cheats, hints and strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the Castle Story tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. If you don’t have enough energy to spare to cut down an entire tree or a rock outcropping, but you need to consolidate items in order to make space for a new […Read More]

Castle Story for iOS and Android: how to get free Gems and Energy

Castle Story is a new kingdom building game for the iPhone, Android and other iOS systems, such as the new iPad Mini. In Castle Story, gems are the premium currency of the game. Normally, you have to wait quite awhile for pretty much anything to happen, but gems allow you to significantly speed up the […Read More]

Guide to Monster Quest (iOS + Android): Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Monster Quest is a new monster collecting game for the iPhone, iPad, iPad mini and Android by Gree and Funzio. This game combines monster collecting dynamics of games such as Pokemon, monster breeding dynamics of games such as Dragon Story, and the engine that Funzio debuted in Crime City and Kingdom Age for an interesting […Read More]

Marvel: War of Heroes for iOS and Android: How to get more silver, gold and rally points

In Marvel: War of Heroes, there are three types of currency. Silver is the main currency in the game, and it’s one of the easiest currencies to find more of. Silver is used mostly for fusing your cards and for boosting your cards. Gold is the rarest one, but it’s also the most valuable because […Read More]

Ayakashi Ghost Guild (iOS + Android): How to get more Magatama (and rare Magatama)

In Ayakashi Ghost Guild, a special type of Daemon card that you can get is the Magatama card. Unlike the other Daemons in the game, Magatama are not a ghost version of a human form. Instead they are a hand crafted element that is specifically designed to level up a ghost. They come in all […Read More]

Marvel: War of Heroes for Android and iOS: How to get free Ultimate Card Pack Tickets and Resources

In Marvel: War of Heroes, two of the most beneficial items that you can earn in the game are Ultimate Card Pack Tickets and Resources. Resources are one pack of six of the same item, except that all six variations are different colors (an example being Storm’s Cape) that you have to try to collect. […Read More]

Marvel: War of Heroes for Android and iOS: How to get uncommon, rare and super-rare cards

In Marvel: War of Heroes for the Android and iPhone, you have five different rarities of cards that you can get. These range from one star cards, which are the most common and the least powerful, to the five star cards, which are very rare but are also very powerful. Obviously, the ones that you […Read More]