LINE Go!Go!Go! Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

LINE Go!Go!Go! is a new endless driving game for the iOS and Android platforms. It’s published by Naver Japan and is used in conjunction with the LINE social network, though you don’t have to be on LINE in order to play it. Your goal is to go as far as you can and collect as […Read More]

Max Axe – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Max Axe is an innovative take on the endless runner genre for the iOS and Android platforms. Your oddball Vikingesque character, presumably named Max, walks slowly down a pathway filled with monsters and insane quantities of treasure, and by throwing and directing his axe, you can defeat monsters, collect all of the treasure, and chain […Read More]

Deadman’s Cross – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Deadman’s Cross is a new free-to-play card battling game by Square Enix for the iOS and Android platforms – think of it as a sequel to Guardian Cross, if you will. Unlike the previous game though, this game is all about an apocalyptic zombie fighting storyline. Your character is an agoraphobic who leaves the house […Read More]

HonorBound: List of locations for Epic and Legendary Heroes

HonorBound has many tiers of heros, with epic and legendary heroes being the top two tiers. Your initial commander, for example, is an epic hero. Not only can you find other epic heroes, though, which are as powerful as your commanders, but legendary heroes are one tier higher, making them even more powerful. Here’s a […Read More]

HonorBound: How to win without spending any real-life money, page 2

Regardless of the rarity of your heroes, it’s a nearly useless metric if you don’t have at least one cleric in the party. Clerics make your battles FAR easier because they can heal party members in battle, meaning that you don’t have to spend anywhere near as many coins on healing potions and resurrection scrolls, […Read More]

HonorBound: How to win without spending any real-life money

HonorBound is a new, free, high-quality and massively difficult RPG for the iOS and Android platforms, and chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re close to throwing your phone after getting killed on the same dungeon for the 20th time while your research projects take 20 hours apiece to complete. Either that or you’ve remortgaged […Read More]

HonorBound: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Page 2

5) How to catch an enemy in any battle in the game First, drop their hit points down to where their health bar begins flashing white, for low. The capture chance will go from 0 percent to slim, but it will still be possible. Use capture over and over until you finally catch them or […Read More]

HonorBound: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats

HonorBound is the newest and most popular freemium RPG for the Android and the iOS platforms. Your goal is to go after Naema, the former HonorBound who is now terrorizing the kingdom, and take out her massive stack of evil henchmen before finally battling her. It goes from easy to very difficult extremely quicklly, with […Read More]

HonorBound – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 3

Use the capture function in order to have the best shot at getting your rarest heroes. Rare and legendary heroes will pop up far more often in battle than in the store, so make use of capture. Wait until the health bar glows white (which means extremely low health). Even then, the capture chance will […Read More]

HonorBound – How to get rare, epic and legendary heroes

HonorBound is a new RPG by JuiceBox for the iOS and Android platforms. You have five different rarity tiers of heroes that you can get. Common and uncommon are very common heroes, and are the lowest two tiers. Rare heroes are the third tier, while epic and legendary heroes are the top tier. Read on […Read More]