Guide to Pocket Dungeon for iPhone: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Pocket Dungeon is a classic, old school style dungeon crawler for the iPhone. Think of it as an iOS equivalent to the old pen and paper RPGs, or the old MUDs that people used to play way back in the day on MS-DOS. It doesn’t even have a title screen. You play as an unnamed […Read More]

ChefVille for Facebook Tips: How to get free Energy and get more coins

In ChefVille for Facebook, you need energy to do just about anything whether you’re picking ingredients from plants or racks, cooking and serving meals, serving people at your tables, or completing any sort of missions. It can get irritating having to wait for your energy to come back, but spending real money on energy is […Read More]

Airport City and Airport City HD: How to repair broken airplanes and how to store items in the warehouse

In Airport City and Airport City HD for the iPhone, iPad and Android (this is true for the Facebook version too), planes break down every so often and need to go into the repair bay to get fixed. When you take them to the repair bay, you need to jump through all kinds of hoops […Read More]

Airport City and Airport City HD Guide (Part 2): More Tips, Tricks, Cheats, Hints and Strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the Airport City and Airport City HD (iPhone, iPad and Android) strategy guide. Click here to continue on to part 1 of the guide. It can be real easy to run out of money in the game, so prepare for those times when you do. After you are full on […Read More]

Guide to Home Design Story for iPhone: Tips, tricks, cheats and strategies

TeamLava adds a new game to the “Story” series of games for the iPhone and other iOS devices seemingly every two seconds, and the latest one, Home Design Story, is just as fun and addicting as the previous ones. As the name suggests, Home Design Story puts you into the role of a combination general […Read More]

Cosmic Colony for iPhone: Energy, Mood, Craft Item and Coin Cheats

Cosmic Colony is a city-building game for the iPhone and the iPod Touch, and it’s one of the prettiest, smoothest and most professionally done city-builders to come out in awhile. It even has a fun, snarky sense of humor to boot. Energy is an “action” currency that takes time to regenerate, and collecting from any […Read More]

Valor and Valor HD Resource Guide: How to get and store more wood, clay and iron

In Valor and Valor HD for the Android and iPhone, you have three resources to collect. Those are wood, clay and iron. All three of these resources contribute to just about everything that you do in the game, including building new buildings, upgrading the buildings that you already have, and training new troops. Read on […Read More]

Guide to Fantasica for iPhone and Android: Tips, tricks, cheats, hints and strategies – the beginning

Fantasica is a cross between a traditional RPG and a card battle game for the iPhone and the iPod Touch (and for the Android OS) with a lot of gameplay built in, as well as some beautiful art by Hideo Minaba, the man who was behind the iconic look of Final Fantasy. In this game, […Read More]