Puzzle & Dragons – Full Ultimate Evolve List, Part 2

Welcome to part two of the Puzzle and Dragons ultimate evolve list! Click here to go back to part one of the list. Sea Deity Neptune > Sea Deity Heaven Neptune = One Dub-Mythlit, Three Dub-Topalits, one Keeper of Rainbow Sea Deity Neptune > Sea Deity Abyss Neptune = One Dub-Mythlit, Three Dub-Amelits, one Keeper […Read More]

Puzzle & Dragons – Ultimate Evolve Guide – Full list of all ultimate evolutions

Puzzle and Dragons has a fairly new mode of evolving now, called Ultimate Evolution, or Busty Evolution. Unlike the standard method of evolution, you don’t have to have a monster at full level to do this one. Also, unlike the standard evolution, this is done using Power-Up Fusion, not Evo Fusion. Read on for the […Read More]

Ted Ginn Kick Return – Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part two of the Ted Ginn: Kick Return beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide. You don’t even need to draw a line in order to choose where you want to run to. Just tap the screen instead, and a straight line will automatically be drawn to […Read More]

Dragons World – Dragon Breeding Guide, Part 3

NEW DRAGON BREEDS Pangolin Dragon: Fire, Nature, Water, Magic You can use a little breeding trick to get any base dragon (non hybrid) that you want for free, quickly, without having to spend any gold on them. Simply stick two of the same base dragon in the breeding area at the same time to replicate […Read More]

Ted Ginn Kick Return – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Ted Ginn: Kick Return is a classic iOS minigame featuring Carolina Panthers kick returner Ted Ginn Jr, plus a whole host of fake players and teams. Your goal is to draw a line to set a return route, then try to run your return all the way back for a touchdown, progressing from league to […Read More]

Elementalist – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Elementalist is a new RPG for the iPhone and iPad. You quest from battle to battle, earning between one and three stars on every battle, and using a variety of elemental magic attacks. While it may sound familiar, the twist is in the execution. You have to draw the shape of the spell that you […Read More]

Guide to Puzzle & Dragons for iOS and Android: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Puzzle and Dragons is a game for the iPhone and Android phones that is new to America, but has been around Asia for awhile and has spawned numerous imitations such as Angel Salvation and Jewel Dragon. Puzzle & Dragons is a cross between a card collecting battle game and a match three puzzle game. Here, […Read More]

Epic Heroes Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the Epic Heroes tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. The normal dungeons are extremely easy, but once you hit the elite dungeons and the event dungeons, things can get dicey EXTREMELY quickly. If you get off to a bad start in […Read More]

Epic Heroes – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Epic Heroes, which used to be called I Am MT, is a new card battling game for the iPhone and other iOS devices that’s based off of the popular Chinesecartoon I’m MT, which is an unofficial parody/cartoon based on the World of Warcraft mythos. In this version, though, the play is like a much more […Read More]

Hello Hero – How to get more energy, stamina, coupon codes and rare items

In Hello Hero, energy and stamina allow you to play in all of the various types of battles, be they the arena, dungeons, standard quests, planets, time attack, or PvP. Coupon codes will allow you to earn various freebies in the game. Items are organized by rarity just as heroes are, and rare, master, unique […Read More]