Food Battle: The Game – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Glitches, Page 3

10) Get donuts to attack each other. For some reason, donuts can do damage to each other in this game. So when you are facing off against a big crowd of donuts, your best bet is to run through the middle of them to bait them into attacking. Run away before they finish their wind-ups […Read More]

Food Battle: The Game – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Glitches, Page 2

15) Use the dashing move. The dashing move will help you avoid attacks, as well as move faster, and it will also do damage to the little donut holes. Dash by swiping in a particular direction. Master your dashing, as this will help you beat all of the bosses, and whenever you get stuck in […Read More]

Food Battle: The Game – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Glitches

Food Battle: The Game is the triumphant video game adaptation of Smosh’s annual Food Battle series on YouTube. This game features Ian and Anthony as well as a number of other characters from the Smosh world, such as the Teleporting Fat Guy, Stevie and Ian’s mom. It starts off easy but gets tough REALLY quickly, […Read More]

Food Battle: The Game – How to get free coins and crystals, page 2

There is a correllation between the toughness of the donut that you face off against and the amount of coins that you earn from said donut (or from the only non-donut enemy, the Catalog of Doom in level 28). The farther along that you face off against an enemy for the first time, and the […Read More]

Food Battle: The Game – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies, Page 5

You will face off against a one-time enemy in stage 28 called the Catalog of Doom. Stand far enough away from it and it won’t go after you at all. Stand at a distance and hit it with the whip and with other long-distance weapons and you will easily beat it without taking a single […Read More]

Food Battle: The Game – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies, Page 4

Jelly Donuts might be rather laughable due to their hilariously pathetic running away after they take a swing at you, but they can be one of your deadliest enemies, because when their jelly freezes you, you’re insanely vulnerable, which is especially bad when being chased by suicide-bombing Boston Creams or crowds of Maple Bars. Take […Read More]

Food Battle: The Game – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies, Page 3

To beat the Green Jugger Nut on stage 15, do the same thing that you did with the white one on stage 5, which is to bait him into attacking, then dash to avoid the attack, then run up and hit him. Repeat over and over again to do him in. You have more room […Read More]

Dumb Ways To Die 2: The Games – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies, Page 4

5) For Killer Whale Dentristry, brush back and forth. Brush almost as if you were actually brushing some teeth, rather than simply swiping in a circle and hoping that it works. If you swipe back and forth you will usually find it much easier to get every single little bit of the whale’s teeth, without […Read More]

Dumb Ways To Die 2: The Games – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies, Page 3

10) Check back for more tokens every single day. Even if you are not going to do the time lapse cheat, still keep checking back every day for tokens, as you will get two free tokens each day that you check back. Without these tokens, you will not be able to play in the Dumbest […Read More]

Dumb Ways To Die 2: The Games – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies, Page 2

15) Log onto Facebook in order to play against your friends. Of course, this doesn’t matter too much if you don’t have any other friends who play the game. But if you do have friends who play the game, log into Facebook so that you can compare their scores against yours. 14) Make sure to […Read More]