Angry Birds Go! – How to unlock the Jenga levels and get Jenga Unlock Codes

Angry Birds Go! is the kart-racing game that has become to the iOS and Android platforms what Mario Kart is to the Nintendo platforms, albeit on a smaller scale due to it being the only game of its kind so far. You can unlock the Jenga levels in the game, which gives you a special […Read More]

Wooparoo Mountain – Breeding Chart – List of all Wooparoo breeding and summoning combinations, page 2

Puffer = Water + Forest Coraloo = Water + Forest Seamander = Earth + Forest Cactore = Wind + Forest Goroola = Wind + Fire Giras = Wind + Thunder Dolley = Wind + Ice Torto = Water + Fire Tortie = Water + Fire Tigren = Ice + wind Phoenix = Fire + Wind […Read More]

Wooparoo Mountain – Breeding Chart – List of all Wooparoo breeding and summoning combinations

Wooparoo Mountain is one of those pet raising games that got so popular after Dragon City and DragonVale made it big. Like those games, Wooparoo Mountain contains loads of animals, called Wooparoos, that you can breed, from the common ones of one element, to the rare ones. Read on for the full breeding chart on […Read More]

Angry Birds Transformers – How To Unlock Jenga Mode and get Jenga Unlock Codes

Angry Birds Transformers is the latest hit game in the Angry Birds saga. This side scrolling action game lets your bird-transformer run along a side scrolling stage, shooting at the giant Jenga-style stages that pop up. There’s actually a Jenga mode in this game, though, which can be unlocked if you have the right code. […Read More]

All Guns Blazing – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

All Guns Blazing is a new rail shooter-card battling hybrid for the iOS and Android. This new smash hit was actually developed by former employees of Rare and Eurocom who worked on the original Goldeneye 007 (not any of the sequels or remakes, the legendary Nintendo 64 one that we all know and love). Your […Read More]

World of Warriors – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies, Page 4

5) Use the boost potions for an extra boost in a tough battle. The boost potion will completely circumvent the accuracy of the tap when you launch an attack, and will instead boost your damage beyond the “perfect” rating and up into nearly critical hit territory. Save these potions for boss battles, portal battles and […Read More]

World of Warriors – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies, Page 3

10) Go back to old stages to farm for gold and experience points. Once you finish the tutorials, you will be able to play any previous stage you want, so if you want to level up all three of your current party at the same time, go to one of these old stages, preferably the […Read More]

World of Warriors – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies, Page 2

15) Get more Honor Stones (the blue gems) by connecting to Facebook. You can earn quite a few of them in battles, but if you really want to load up, you are going to have to go to Facebook and find other people who play the game. If you have friends on your friend list […Read More]

World of Warriors – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies

World of Warriors is the smash hit new RPG for the iOS and Android that has been featured in Apple’s top new apps for two weeks in a row, which is an extremely rare feat. Your goal is to take a whole group of fighters based upon actual, historical fighters from around the world and […Read More]

Candy Crush Soda Saga – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies

So there I was, minding my own business, writing more articles about Bitcoin Billionaire, when all of a sudden it comes across my desk that a Candy Crush sequel has been released on the App Store. Talk about a surprise. Candy Crush Soda Saga is the semi-surprising follow up to the legendarily addictive Candy Crush […Read More]