World of Warriors – How to get more warriors

World of Warriors is an RPG where you get to collect warriors from all over the world, from all across the time spectrum, ranging from the days of ancient Ur all the way to the last of the elite fighters before the advent of gunpowder. Your goal is to collect all of the warriors, but […Read More]

World of Warriors – How to get more wildstones, honor stones (blue gems) and gold, page 1

World of Warriors is an addicting new mobile character collection RPG for the iOS and Android that lets you collect countless cartoony representations of real life warriors from ages past. There are three main currencies in this game. Honor stones are the blue gems, while wildstones are the extremely rare red gems. Gold, of course, […Read More]

Bitcoin Billionaire – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 4

If you ever check the “statistics” button you will see everything that you have ever done in the game – how many taps you have made, how many boxes you opened up, and more. One relevant statistic that might look confusing at first is how many resets, and what your reset bonus percentage is. You […Read More]

World of Warriors – Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Guide, Page 3

Whatever the current stage is that you are at, there will typically be two or three other exhibition stages surrounding it. They will be labeled easy, medium or hard, all based, of course, on difficulty level, and the harder the stage, the more experience and loot you get from them. Plus, typically you will get […Read More]

Bitcoin Billionaire – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 3

A good way to guarantee that the videos never run out when you need them the most (when you need them to reverse a negative card) is to cut the game off when you get your first failed attempt at watching a video. No videos will be available at that particular moment; however, when you […Read More]

Bitcoin Billionaire – How to get free hyperbits

Bitcoin Billionaire is a mindless tapping game that has been transformed into an insanely frantic tap-and-collect frenzy, and adds a twist of humor with it. Bitcoins are obviously the main currency, but you have a second currency that you can get too – Hyperbits, the premium currency. Read on for some tips and tricks on […Read More]

World of Warriors – Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Guide, Page 2

You can tap to collect anything that pops up on the screen during a battle, such as gold, mana or hearts. Make sure to avoid the bombs though. They look like black spike balls and when you hit them, they will take away your health, so avoid them. For everything else, you can either tap […Read More]

Bitcoin Billionaire – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 2

You can get offline income by going to any one of the investments and purchasing the offline investment using hyperbits. The more of them you spend, the higher the percentage per hour will be, and the longer it will last. The cost is the same no matter what the investment is, but it’s only unlocked […Read More]

Island Experiment – Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Island Experiment is a new iOS and Android game that brings back the old city building/exploration games of old, like FrontierVille and Ravenwood Fair which were popular on Facebook a long time ago. Your goal is to search through the island that the scientists were doing illegal experiments on, see what you can find, and […Read More]

Bitcoin Billionaire – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 1

Bitcoin Billionaire is a new clicker-type of game for the iOS platform. The bitcoins aren’t real, but the guilt that you’ll feel for becoming addicted to this game is definitely real. Your goal is to mine bitcoins and collect hyperbits, buy better bitcoin mining software and investments, and then do it all over again. Read […Read More]