Fifa 15 Ultimate Team (mobile): Top 15 Tricks For Easy Money, Coins and FIFA Points, Page 1

Fifa 15 Ultimate Team presents the iOS and Android’s latest venture into the sometimes scary world of international soccer (especially scary as long as Mr. Blatter runs it still, ha ha). Luckily, though, it’s not as scary if, like Qatar, you have a whole hell of a lot of money, and in Fifa 15 Ultimate […Read More]

Fruit Ninja (version 2.0) Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies

Fruit Ninja has been around for a VERY long time, and is a game that needs no introduction whatsoever. However, the latest update to it, which as of this writing is version 2.0.0, has added so much to the game that it might as well be a sequel – not a whole new game as […Read More]

Faraway Kingdom: Dragon Raiders – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Faraway Kingdom: Dragon Raiders is a new RPG for the iOS platform. This game combines 8-bit retro graphics, RPG gameplay, and horizontal citybuilding gameplay reminiscent of such games as Tiny Tower into one game that works together very well. Your goal is to build up a combination of different fighters and use them to quest […Read More]

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team (iOS/Android) – Top 15 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies, Page 2

10) Your keeper/goalie might be the most important out of all of your players. If you have a great goalkeeper, that’s the best chance you have of not giving up any goals. If you have a crap goalkeeper but a good defense, that’s still a bad deal if your defense lets the attackers by, and […Read More]

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team (iOS/Android) – Top 15 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies, Page 1

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team is the latest mobile entry in the long running franchise that lets you play as your favorite footy/soccer players. In the Ultimate Team mode, which needs no introduction for anybody but the newest FIFA players, you build your own team and acquire and organize players in many different ways. Read on […Read More]

Zombie Highway 2: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Zombie Highway 2 is the new full-on sequel to the original Zombie Highway, which came out four years ago and was one of the biggest of the original free-to-play hits on the App Store. In this one, much like in the original, your task is to drive down a seemingly endless highway while trying to […Read More]

Book of Life: Sugar Smash – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Book of Life: Sugar Smash is a new Candy Crushalike for iPhone and iPad based off the new animated movie The Book of Life. The game features the main characters from the move, plus familiar match-three gameplay across hundreds of stages, with a number of power ups and a whole lot of strategy. Read on […Read More]

Pokemon TCG Online (iPad) – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Pokemon TCG Online is the latest version of the online Pokemon TCG game, itself based off of the card game that has enraptured millions and millions of fans the world over. Your goal in this game is to do exactly as you would do in the real life version, which is to beat other players […Read More]

Terra Battle – The Ultimate Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Terra Battle is a new puzzle RPG from Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakagucki and his Mistwalker studio. Fitting, then, that it feels like you’re playing the Final Fantasy of something, here. There’s a million different puzzle RPGs for the iOS and Android platforms, from Puzzle & Dragons to the countless branded properties (Dr. Who and […Read More]

Eternal Fury – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Eternal Fury is a new MMORPG for the iOS and Android platforms by the oddly-named Proficient City. You play as one of many character types such as a knight, a mage, and others, and flanked by your companions, you can go questing, raiding, play with or against other players, or do one of an endless […Read More]