Heroes Charge Guide: Tips, Tricks, Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 4

Once enchantment opens up, you will have a way to power up any piece of equipment that’s already equipped on one of your heroes, using any piece of equipment that’s not equipped on any hero. This will boost the statistics of equipment and is most effective on rarer, green or blue (or better) equipment. Once […Read More]

Heroes Charge Guide: Tips, Tricks, Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 3

Wanna get some rare heroes? Your best bet is to go for the gold chest, which is free once every 46 hours, and costs 288 gems apiece at any other time. Rare heroes often appear here – not rare hero soul stones, but actual rare heroes. Usually, though, it will be rare equipment that appears […Read More]

Crazy Kitchen – Guide: Tips, Cheats and Strategies

Crazy Kitchen is a new match three puzzle game for the iOS and Android platforms by Zindagi Games. Your goal is to make combos and fill orders, and the real kicker here is that you can attach your face and your friends or family’s faces to the characters in the game. Read on for some […Read More]

Spider-Man Unlimited – Guide: Tips, Cheats and Strategies

Spider-Man Unlimited is a new mission driven auto-running game for the iOS and Android platforms. The cel-shaded style of the graphics are some of the prettiest on any platform today. You get to take all manner of Spider-Men on a number of missions, in both endless and non-endless runner style, to fight back against the […Read More]

Heroes Charge – How to get free Gems and more Gladiator Coins

Heroes Charge, like most free to play RPGs, has a multitude of different currencies. You have gold, for example, which is the basic and common one, and then an arena-only currency is the Gladiator Coins. However, the rarest currency of all is Gems. Read on to find out how to get more Gems and Gladiator […Read More]

Heroes Charge – How to promote, evolve, skill upgrade and enchant your heroes

Heroes Charge has a million different ways to evolve your heroes (figuratively a million, of course) – so much so, in fact, that you can end up with common, run of the mill heroes who are more powerful than some of the rarest in the game, with the right amount of upgrades. You can upgrade […Read More]

Heroes Charge: How to get rare (three, four and five-star) heroes

Heroes Charge is a new RPG loaded with heroes and weapons, and places for heroes to use their weapons to save the world. There is a collection element as well, meaning that there are loads of heroes in this game that you can collect, anywhere from the one-star common heroes to the five-star super rare […Read More]

Heroes Charge Guide: Tips, Tricks, Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 2

A third way to improve your characters is to evolve them, and evolving them is done by using soul stones. You’ll need all of the soul stones for a card just like you would to summon them. The number varies depending on the rarity/star rating of a card – for example, a one star card […Read More]

Prime World: Defenders – Game Guide: Tips, Hints, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies

Prime World: Defenders is a new tower defense game for iOS and the Android platform, as well as online in your browser via Kongregate. Your goal is to defend your base from the forces of evil using a massive assortment of defensive towers, in order to stop them from taking your Prime. There is a […Read More]

Pirate Bash Game Guide – Tips, Tricks, Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Pirate Bash is a new game by DeNA for the iOS and Android platforms. It’s kind of like a competitive version of Angry Birds, with the same slingshot physics. Your team of pirates and other teams of pirates fire all kinds of weapons at each other with the goal being, of course, to destroy them […Read More]