WWE SuperCard – How to train and combine your wrestlers

WWE SuperCard is a new card battling game based on all of your favorite WWF, WWE, and even other wrestlers, all for the iOS and Android platforms. Like any self-respecting card battling game, this one has plenty of ways to enhance your cards, such as training your wrestlers and combining them. Both of these will […Read More]

Club Penguin Sled Racer – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Club Penguin Sled Racer is a new endless-sledding game that is affiliated with Disney’s social network for kids. In this game there are no upgrades, no currency, no this or that – all there is is you, the sled, the penguin, and the will to go a long way while riding an inner-tube. Read on […Read More]

WWE SuperCard: How to get rare, epic and legendary wrestlers, page 2

If you have credits, you can use them to purchase new cards of varying rarities. The regular pick, which costs 50 credits, will get you a card rarity based on your current deck tier, so the higher your deck level, the rarer your card will be. A superstar pack will be random, common to epic, […Read More]

WWE SuperCard – How to get credits and energy

WWE SuperCard is the new WWE-themed card battling game for the iOS and Android platforms by 2K Sports. Credits are the in-game currency, and while they are extremely difficult to get, you can use them to purchase more cards, especially the rare ones. Energy is needed to revive your cards after they wear out in […Read More]

Tap Sports Baseball – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Tap Sports Baseball is Glu’s new free to play baseball game for the iOS and Android platforms. In this game you only play as the hitter and your main goal is to knock the hell out of the other pitcher before the opposing player (it’s mostly a PvP game) knocks the hell out of yours. […Read More]

Airheads Jump – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Airheads Jump has rapidly become the number 1 game on the iOS App Store as of the time of this writing, surpassing even the mighty Kim Kardashian game and Godus. Your character is a living beachball (yes, that’s a real sentence). Your goal in this game is to bounce up the required distance per level, […Read More]

WWE SuperCard: How to get rare, epic and legendary wrestlers

WWE SuperCard is the card-battling RPG by 2K Sports that just so happens to star some of the biggest names in the WWE – or, rather, it stars every name in the WWE, including wrestlers who are retired already. Like most card battling games, you have multiple tiers of cards that you can earn, starting […Read More]

WWE SuperCard – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide, Page 2

As you play more and more exhibition games you’ll increase the rarity bar at the top of the screen. With each added rarity you’ll be able to unlock a new tier, starting from rare, super rare, ultra rare, epic, legendary, and + and ++ versions of all of these cards. The rarer they are, the […Read More]

WWE SuperCard – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

WWE SuperCard is a new collectible card battling game for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to build a team of wrestlers, four superstars and one diva, and compete in all kinds of various matches against other wrestlers. You can play friendly exhibitions against other players and their teams, or you can put […Read More]

Xeno Quest – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Xeno Quest is a new MMORPG for the iOS and Android platforms and is, sadly, not related to Xenogears or Xenosaga. It’s one of the first of its genre on these platforms to run on an advanced 3D engine, meaning that it has some of the best graphics around, unlike some other MMOs (especially Dragon […Read More]