Sky Force 2014: Top 15 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies, Page 3

5) Get the auto-firing weapons for extra firepower. The two auto-firing weapons (aside from the main cannon itself, obviously) are the wing cannons and the homing missiles. Wing cannons are great for picking off small enemies and doing some extra damage to large ones. Homing missiles are excellent for doing heavy damage to larger enemies, […Read More]

Sky Force 2014: Top 15 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies, Page 2

10) Use the time lapse cheat or spend stars to get more airplanes And by airplanes, I mean more “lives” or “energy”, not actually unlocking new aircraft. You have up to ten aircraft at a time, and once you run out you either have to wait for them to come back or you can spend […Read More]

Sky Force 2014: Top 15 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies

Sky Force 2014 is a throwback to the old bullet-hell Raidens of the world, so if you’re a ’90s kid, chances are you’re going to love this game, and if you’re not… well, you’ll probably still love this game. It’s insanely hard, though, just like the Raidens were back in the day, so read on […Read More]

Love Live! School Idol Festival – Tips and Cheats: The Ultimate Strategy Guide

Love Live! School Idol Festival is a new music game for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to put a band together, play songs to the best and most accurate of your ability a la Guitar Hero, and unlock each of your characters’ backstories, while progressing through the main story of the game […Read More]

Rage of the Immortals – Tips and Cheats: The Ultimate Strategy Guide

Rage of the Immortals is a new city building and trading card RPG by GREE and Funzio. Card battling gameplay is blended with the city-building aspect of games such as Crime City and Modern War. Your goal is to build up your own town while cruising through the towns of rivals and fighting them for […Read More]

Sky Force 2014 – Tips and Cheats: The Ultimate Strategy Guide, Page 3

If you want to speed up production of planes (lives/energy), you can do so in the in-game store by purchasing the planes generator for 2 dollars. Or you can use an iTunes gift card that’s been won by using sites such as freemyapps or simply been given to you as a gift for Christmas or […Read More]

Sky Force 2014 – Tips and Cheats: The Ultimate Strategy Guide, Page 2

Shoot the shiny airplanes and collect every one of the little gray crystals that they release. Whenever you collect one of the gray crystals, you will be rewarded with a higher firing rate. This makes it far easier to destroy every enemy on the stage and to do a lot of damage to the larger […Read More]

Stilland War: Tips and Cheats – The Ultimate Strategy Guide

Stilland War is a new MMORPG for the iOS and Android platforms. It’s basically Dragon Bane Elite without the irritating Comic Sans font that gives DBE players such a headache. Your main goal is to gain experience, find new companions, increase your power, fight against the computer and against other players, and to attempt to […Read More]

Dragon Bane Elite – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Dragon Bane Elite is an MMORPG for the iOS platform. This smash-hit game has just had its one year anniversary and unlike most iOS games which level off rather quickly, then drop in popularity, this one has remained around the top of the App Store charts, quietly hanging in there with games like Clash of […Read More]

Rival Knights – Top 20 Tips, Glitches, Cheats and Tricks, Page 4

5) Make sure to plug your phone in more often when you are playing this game. Rival Knights is extremely graphically intensive, and as such, it has the propensity to heat your phone up to searing levels, especially on an iPhone. This, consequently, will also cause the battery life to splatter, putting you at risk […Read More]