Amateur Surgeon 3: How to get more surgeon points, stars and bloodpacks

In Amateur Surgeon 3, Surgeon Points (also referred to as Coins) are the main form of currency in the game. They are the thing that looks like coins, and you can use them to buy more power ups, as well as to recruit new partners. Stars are how you unlock each stage. Bloodpacks are the […Read More]

Dragons of Atlantis: Heirs of the Dragon Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 3 – Even More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part 3 of the Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon Tips and Tricks Guide! Click here to go back to part 2 of the guide. The only ‘free’ way to get more Dragon Armor is to complete the Grodz base battles. You can’t get it by beating any Anthropus Camps unlike […Read More]

Dragons of Atlantis: Heirs of the Dragon Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2 – More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the Dragons of Atlantis Tips and Tricks Guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. Unlock the ability to use the Great Dragon in Battles by defeating all 10 Grodz Bases in the campaign mode, so that you can earn the dragon armor. You’ll also have […Read More]

Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon: Defense Guide – How to defend your base

Once your beginner protection wears off in Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon, look for the attacks to start coming swiftly and furiously, especially if you are in a highly-populated realm. In realms with lower populations, you can get away without getting attacked for a bit, but it won’t be long before the […Read More]

Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon: Attack Guide, Part 2 – More tips on how to win battles

Welcome to part 2 of the Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon attack guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. Each different troop has a range of statistics, which you can look at in the barracks. Life and defense are self-explanatory. Melee attacks is how much damage they […Read More]

Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon: Attack Guide – How to win battles

Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon has plenty of battles to fight. Like all MMO strategy games, Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon pits you against other players as you try to destroy their kingdoms. You get to fight Anthopus Camp battles, as well, which are the game’s version of Player […Read More]

Dragons of Atlantis: Heirs of the Dragon: How to use your Great Dragon in battle and get dragon armor

In Dragons of Atlantis: Heirs of the Dragon, you start off the game with a brand new dragon, which is housed inside of a Dragon Keep. Every time that you upgrade your Dragon Keep, your dragon grows in both size and power. Even so, it’s annoying to see that you can’t use your dragon in […Read More]

Amateur Surgeon 3 Tips and Tricks Guide: Cheats, Hints and Strategies

Amateur Surgeon 3 is a new game for the iPhone and iPad, and possibly coming soon to the Android, by Adult Swim. It’s very quickly become one of the most popular iOS games. Your goal is to go from stage to stage, doing surgeries on different patients, doing them with as few mistakes as possible, […Read More]

High School Story: Classmate Party Combination List Part 2 – More combinations

Welcome to part 2 of the High School Story Classmate Party Combination list! Click here to go back to part 1 of the list. Back in part 1 of the guide, we went over how to get every classmate type from the parties when you don’t yet have that classmate type. However, there are a […Read More]

Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon: Resource Guide – How to get more food, wood, stone and metals

Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon is a game that REALLY requires you to rack up the resources. It’s like most other MMO strategy games in that way, but Dragons of Atlantis – Heirs of the Dragon, in particular, requires that you “get tough or die”, to quote Johnny Cash. Food, wood, stone […Read More]