Alice of Hearts Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, cheats and strategies

Alice of Hearts is a severely underrated new iPhone and Android game based around the Alice in Wonderland/Through the Lookingglass mythos. It takes place, as you might guess, in the land on the other side of the mirror, and you play as Alice. With the help of the various Egos that you can create, your […Read More]

Minuscule: The Private Life of Insects (iOS) Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, cheats and strategies

Minuscule: The Private Life of Insects – A Fingerprint, is the very long name for a new racing game based on the French documentary, also called Minuscule. You play as a ladybug with a sense of humor in this game, and your goal is to first taunt the spider, and then to beat him in […Read More]

Dots (iOS) FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the Dots beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide, or read on for part two of the same! There are a number of trophies that you can earn in the game. The trophies don’t really do too much other than allow you to show […Read More]

Dots (iOS) FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Dots, the one game that probably doesn’t even need a beginner’s guide (because it’s such as simple game to play) – it’s just good to have one because despite the simplicity it can get DIFFICULT. This is a color coded version of connect the dots but with a one […Read More]

Dots (iOS): How to get more Dots

Dots, the simplest and sometimes most frustrating game ever to come out on the iPhone, is all about collecting more, more, more. More dots, to be specific. Dots are not only your “points” in the game but they are also your primary form of currency, meaning that you can use them to buy all of […Read More]

FallDown! 2 FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, part two

Welcome to part two of how to play FallDown! 2, for iOS and Android. Click here to go back to part one of the guide, or read on for the second part of the guide! Now, back to the game itself. As was previously noted, you have to drop the bar as far as possible […Read More]

FallDown! 2: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

If you were a fan of the original FallDown or if you are just looking for a silly and simple game to play, FallDown! 2 might be just your ticket. The goal of the game is to drop a ball as far down in the stage as you can. The stage is endless, giving it […Read More]

FallDown! 2: How to get more stars and points

FallDown! 2 is one of the simplest, quickest games on the iPhone and Android, yet it is also one of the most addicting games in recent memory. Seriously, it takes only 30-60 seconds to play around, unless you’re good (then it takes maybe 5 minutes), yet you can look down, and before you know it, […Read More]

Dots (iOS) Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More hints, cheats, and strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the Dots tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide, or read on for part 2 of the same! Since speed is, as previously mentioned, the name of the game, avoid swiping the huge combos which you have to make a lot of […Read More]

FallDown! 2 Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the FallDown! 2 tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide, or read on to continue with part 2 of the same! As previously noted, one of the question mark power ups that you can earn is one that will allow you to […Read More]