Guide to 9 Innings: Pro Baseball 2013 for iPhone: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

9 Innings: Pro Baseball 2013 is a baseball simulator for the iPhone and the iPod touch by Com2us, Inc. This is the only baseball game for any mobile platform so far that features real teams and real players. You get to trade player cards with other players who play the game, control every aspect of […Read More]

Dark Summoner for iPhone and Android: How to complete the collections, raid, summon and beat the Dark Lord

In Dark Summoner, some of the best cards that can be acquired are the ones you get from engaging in raids and beating the Dark Lord. However, to get the Dark Lord to come out of hiding you need a summoning crystal. To get the summoning crystal you need to complete one of the many […Read More]

Witch Wars iPhone Game Guide: Tips, Tricks, Strategies and Cheats

Witch Wars is a combat puzzle game by the South Korean company Com2us, inc. it is one of the match 3 games that is so popular on pretty much every platform in existence, but this one has a combat twist to it. You either play against a human opponent or play against a computer opponent, […Read More]

Guide to My School Dance for iPhone: Tricks, Tips, Hints, Cheats and Strategies

My School Dance is a new game for the iPhone and for the iPod touch in which to get to play as a girl at school who is getting ready for the school dance. To get ready for the school dance you need to get a boyfriend, but to get a boyfriend you need some […Read More]

World War Z- The movie

Max Brook’s novel World war Z is a post-apocalyptic horror novel. It shows us how different countries will react when the very world and what we know is turned upside down. People don’t eat others, and people stay dead. Not so with zombies. World War Z is the sequel to “The Zombie Survival Guide,” and […Read More]

Understanding Influence of Botox and Microdermabrasion on Aging Skin

Many people fear the inevitable sagging and wrinkling of the skin that comes with aging. Not only does the appearance suffer, but it’s a daily reminder that the body is no longer improving. Suddenly, after all the hard work of becoming the fully mature body we were meant to be, the body does a complete […Read More]

Successful Finance Planning tips from a certified financial planner

Organising your finances properly is the key to organize your life properly. You need to build up a proper financial base to make your life strong against uncertainties and have enough money. Enough money means you no need to worry about money and not that you should have lots of money. You are ultimately in […Read More]

How to play Pocket Planes: FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide and FAQ for the wildly popular Pocket Planes, a brand new iOS and Android game from the makers of Tiny Tower! Whether you are just starting out with the game, or you have some questions about how one or two things work, read on and you’re sure to find what […Read More]