Chicken Jump: Crazy Traffic – Top Tips, Walkthrough, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Chicken Jump is a new endless traffic-jumping game for the iOS and Android platforms where you stand out in the middle of the road and jump over oncoming traffic. Your goal is to jump over the fastest, most insane traffic, and to go the longest that you can. You can unlock new characters as well, using the coins that you earn. Read on for some tips and tricks for Chicken Jump!

You’re stuck in the middle of the level the entire time, and you jump at almost the same time every time, although as the vehicles speed up you’ll have to jump slightly earlier. Don’t worry about stuff floating above the vehicle that you’ll crash through when you jump. That stuff won’t end your run, but vehicles and other objects near the ground will.

Jump to collect coins when you see them. You can also watch a video at the end of your run or collect your free coin bonuses when the cool down period ends. These send you to the Coinchinko machine to drop a ball in. Drop it in where the big coins are gathered, as each big coin is worth ten but each small coin is worth one.

Once you earn 100 coins, you get to roll for a new character. Characters in this game are not just cosmetic. They change the graphics of the scenery that you play in, and some have their own Easter eggs (Santa can jump and hit present boxes to make candy canes pop out). They also have different jump characteristics, and some characters are immune to non-vehicle items.

There are a ton of characters in this game, many of whom are not available from the gacha right away, and then you have your secret hidden characters who aren’t available at all from the lottery. To get those ones, you need to complete specific actions in the game, such as jumping 10,000 times or collecting a number of candy cane boxes.

For many of the bonus characters, though, you will need to unlock other characters to get them. To do this, keep earning coins and keep playing the gacha. Get far enough to gain experience levels, then unlock even more characters using your earned coins.