CSR Racing for iPhone: How to get free gas and get more experience points

So you have run out of gas in CSR Racing, and you want to continue racing, but you don’t want to wait until you have refilled on gas, but you don’t want to spend your hard earned gold to get gas either? Have no fear, because this article will show you how to get free fuel for your ride… oh yeah, and how to gain experience points at a much quicker pace, too. Read on!

There are a few options to get free gas, enough so that you will never really have to pay for it. One of the options is to go to the main menu of the game, first of all. Once you are there, click on Invite Friends, and either hit the text message button or the email button. Then, simply start sending yourself (or a fake random number or email) text messages and emails until your gas is restored.

Another way to get free gas is to go to the iPhone settings, and then go to date and time, and set your phone ahead by whatever length of time you choose. An hour should fill you up about 2/3 of the way. Go back to the game and observe that your gas gauge has filled up. Now you have the option to go back to your iPhone settings and put the time back to normal, and your gauge will stay filled up when you go back into the game.

To gain experience points much more quickly, buy all of the upgrades you can, of course, even for cars that you no longer race that don’t have any upgrades (since buying things gets you experience points), but race in events and/or against competitors that you know you can beat. You get more experience points for winning than for losing, even if the competitor who you beat is an easier competitor.


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