Dead Ahead (iOS) Tips and Tricks Guide, part 3 – Even More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

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As you progress into the round, you’ll have a whole army of extremely fast zombies chasing you, to the point where you can’t even accelerate quickly enough to get rid of them. An easy way to get rid of them all at once, though, without using any ammunition, is to let off the accelerator and then smash into a roadblock. You’ll slow down to the slowest possible speed so quickly that all of the chasing zombies will run ahead of you. Now, you can ram them to kill them, and this technique makes it easy for them to run into obstacles or other zombies as well.

The best guns and the best bike in the game can’t be bought with coins – they can all be bought using real money in the app store (for 1 or 2 dollars apiece, depending on the purchase). Betty Boomer and Vera the Shooter are the premium guns (and will also change your character on the bike), while the prototype XR8 is the best bike. Buying any one of these will also remove the ads from the game. These are far better purchases than buying more coins in the app store.

Buy the power ups as needed in order to complete quests to increase your rank. For example, the 1000 meter head start really helps when you have to go 1,500 meters without firing a shot in order to get to rank 5 (which is the rank that unlocks the suburbs).

You can change the control scheme using the options menu, which is the “gear” shaped button on the main menu. if you don’t like swiping up and down to steer, tap the button with the up and down arrows, and instead you can hit two buttons which will steer your bike.

Complete the daily achievements as quickly as you can, especially if you are stuck in the game and you feel like you need a more powerful bike or a better gun, because they will earn you a lot of coins. Whether you complete them or not, they disappear after one day, to be replaced by a new daily objective.