Disco Zoo: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats

Disco Zoo is NimbleBit’s bizarre entry into the rather crowded genre of zoo-management games. Luckily, this is a pretty unique take on the genre. You can collect real animals, extinct animals such as dinosaurs, and even mythical animals such as gryphons, unicorns and yetis. Read on for the top ten tips and tricks for Disco Zoo!

10) Sit in your zoo and wait for coins to appear.
It sounds like a boring thing to do, right? Maybe so, but it’s one of the best ways to earn coins, because you can find some extremely valuable coins by doing this. Most will be worth one coin or five coins. Some will pop up every now and then that will be worth 10, 25, 50 or even 100 coins.

9) Watch for Discobux, too.
That’s especially the biggest reason why you should watch your zoo. Discobux will pop up for no reason whatsoever. Just like with the coins, you have to get them before they disappear. Tap them to collect them, and save them up.

8) Set your push notifications to “on”.
Turn on your push notifications. You have the options to put them on when the first animal falls asleep, and when the last animal falls asleep. Do this and you will be able to go back and check your zoo right away and wake up animals in order to keep them earning coins.

7) When you go on rescue missions, remember the patterns that the animals have.
Use any means possible to remember patterns, especially since after the farm area, you will be unable to see the patterns without the ZooPedia. Whenever you fail a round, you will see the animal patterns for that round pop up, so write them down in order to have them to use for later.

6) Watch out for the mystical animals.
These are the ones that will earn you the most coins if you catch them, with rare animals earning you the next most coins. Once you catch them, you will find out what they are. There is one mystical animal per rescue area that you will go to – for example, the unicorn is in the farm area, and the yeti is in the polar area.

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