Downhill Masters: Walkthrough, Cheats, Tips, and Strategy Guide

Downhill Masters is a combination of a BMX racing game and a virtual life simulator for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to manage your home and headquarters, play as three different types of characters, and earn gold and gems.

You can play as all three different characters, load up on equipment for yourself and your bike to speed up your runs, and tour the world, starting with Santorini and moving onto different hilly, trick-filled locations.

Read on for some tips and cheats for Downhill Masters!

From the beginning, you can pick a character who is more of a trick rider, one who is more of a power rider, and one who is more of a speed rider. If you don’t like the one that you pick, just wait 24 hours, and you’ll be able to start a second game with another character.

Either that, or if you really don’t like your choice, then delete the game from your phone, then reinstall it and pick another character. You’ll have to start all the way back from the beginning, and you will have to do the tutorial again, but you will have the character that you want without having to wait.

As you run races, you’ll earn boxes, which you can unlock in one of two ways. You’ll either be able to unlock them by simply waiting for them to unlock, or you will be able to unlock them by watching an ad video. Make sure you have a strong internet connection for the latter, so that you can load the video easily.

While racing is fun, be sure to take care of the self-care stuff in your house, such as sleeping, eating, putting on makeup, and whatever else. For each action you complete, you’ll gain experience points for your character.

Be sure to take care of every room in your house. All of the actions are listed at the bottom right corner of the screen, so tap each action, then swipe over to the next room, then tap each other one of the actions.

For each action you complete, you’ll earn experience, and for each of the experience levels that you earn, you get a skill point. Be sure to spend your skill points wisely. Pay attention to what trick you unlock next when you spend your skill points. Use them in the middle of races as often as possible so that you can get all of the possible benefit.

User-submitted tips and cheats