Duck Dynasty Slots – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Duck Dynasty Slots is Zynga’s latest branded game for the iOS and Android platforms. Here you get to play slot machines that are themed with characters and items from Duck Dynasty, and as you progress through the game you’ll unlock new moments from the historical canon of the show. The more that you play, the more levels you get to unlock and the more credits you can earn. Read on for some tips and tricks for Duck Dynasty Slots!

If you want to progress fast, set your coin bets to the maximum in order to earn rapid experience points. If you’re setting the game down for any period of time, set it on auto spin, so that the slot machines will keep playing while you are gone. They will only stop for big prize wins, so keep checking the game every so often to see if you have winnings that you need to collect.

When you’re doing manual spins, though, it’s possible to speed the game up MASSIVELY. The way to do this is to tap the screen after you spin. The reels will all stop automatically whenever you tap the screen, which changes the hand that you finish with, so that you can keep spinning and spinning at even higher speeds.

The credit bonus comes once every four hours. If you run out of credits somehow, use this bonus to keep going. If you do not want to wait for the bonus, then go to the date and time settings on your phone and set the time ahead by four hours (or however much time you have to wait for the next bonus). Then go back to the game and you will be able to collect it right away. Do this as many times as you want for the most free bonuses.

Plus, you can connect on Facebook in order to earn an automatic 200 free credits. If you are on Facebook but none of your other friends are, and you want to have Facebook buddies to play with, then find more friends on Facebook groups or on the comments section of this article or in the App Store reviews.

Unlocking new levels is easy, it just requires patience. All that you have to do to unlock a new level is to gain levels on the older ones. This is most effectively done by auto playing the slots, as much as possible, or using the tap speed-up trick. If you want to know what combos you should try to go for on the slot machines, go to the menu and view the paytable, and absorb what’s listed inside of it.