Dumb Ways To Die 2: The Games – Top 20 Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategies

Dumb Ways to Die 2: The Games is the sequel to one of the most unlikely hits in the history of iOS and Android games – it’s essentially a really gory and hilarious PSA done by the Melbourne Metro Trains Pty, and us Americans are certainly loving Australia’s sense of humor as evidenced by the top free downloads chart on both the App Store and Google Play. Read on for the top 20 tips and tricks for Dumb Ways To Die 2: The Games!

20) Make sure to get lots of practice.
This is the most basic tip of all, but it’s possibly one of the most useful. Practice often in Freezerville, in the Dumb Dome and in Drown Town (and coming up later, Adrenaland). Not only will the practice help you to get the highest score possible, it will also prepare you for the Dumbest of the Dumb.

19) In any of the rapid tapping stages, use as many fingers as possible.
The game will read it no matter what, so tap with four, five, or even six fingers at the same time on levels where the goal is to tap as fast as possible, such as sprinting levels. The more fingers that you use, the easier that the stage will be. Tablet players are naturally at an advantage because they can tap with up to 10 fingers at a time, which won’t fit on any phone besides maybe a Samsung Galaxy Mega.

18) Time your jumps properly in the jumping levels.
The jumping levels all have different types of timing, so it is up to you to time your jumps properly in these levels. In these stages, usually, the stages are actually harder early on in the game, because as your score improves in a round, the speed increases, and when the speed increases, so does the margin for error.

17) How to make Avalanche Chalet a really easy stage.
This is the one where you have to close the windows and doors in order to stop the snow from getting in during the avalanche. The game will tell you to swipe to close the windows and doors, but truth be told, all that you have to do is tap them and they will shut. No need to swipe.

16) How to cheat and get free tokens
Tokens are the tickets that let you play the Dumbest of the Dumb. Run out all of your tokens, and then go to the date and time settings and set the time ahead by EXACTLY one day. You have to close out the game before you do this though. Then, open the game back up and you will have two free tokens.

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