Dumb Ways To Die (iOS) Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Dumb Ways To Die is a hilarious new app by Metro Trains, a Melbourne-based train company that is now accidentally a top app developer thanks to this game. Dumb Ways To Die is based off of the Youtube video of the same name, which follows all sorts of adorable characters as they are hilariously killed doing something really stupid. The game version combines all of the humor of the video with a breakneck-paced fast tapper. Read on for some tips and tricks for Dumb Ways To Die!

One of the games that confuses everybody is the Plane game. In order to beat this round, you have to blow into the bottom of your phone and the plane will go upwards. To beat it more easily, simply make a noise into the phone (say “OOOOOOO” or something, for example) and you’ll win. The puke one also confuses people – swipe around with four fingers to clean it up SUPER quickly.

To get a higher score in the game, memorize how to beat each of the games right away, first, and then you can begin concentrating on speed. Some of the stages will take a little bit longer than others to figure out. The balloon stage, for example, takes a TON of practice. To beat that one, use more than one finger to drag a path from the base of the balloon to the hand. If you get enough practice, you can use three or four fingers at a time and swipe accurately.

You can also unlock the original music video in the game after you get enough characters. One of the characters on the screen will tell you what score you need to get for your next unlock – work your way up to that score and the next unlockable will be opened.

Update the game every time you see a new update come out for it on the app store, because they very frequently put new levels into the updates. For example, as of right now, the most recent update is the one which added the “Avoid the psycho” stage in it.

Click here to continue on to part 2 of the Dumb Ways To Die tips and tricks guide!