Dunk Shot (Ketchapp) – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats, and Strategies

Dunk Shot is a new game for the iPhone and Android platforms where your goal is to shoot as many baskets as possible without missing a shot. You can earn special balls and secret balls, go for the highest possible score, and earn money that can be used to purchase more balls. Read on for some tips and tricks for Dunk Shot!

Unlike similar games of this type, there is not a Flappy Bird element to controlling the movement of the ball. Instead, the control scheme is similar to Angry Birds in that you pull and aim to fire the ball like a slingshot. Both the areas that you shoot the ball in, and the force with which you shoot it, will make a difference in how accurate your shot is.

Try to shoot the ball without hitting the rim at all. If you can pull that off, you will earn a perfect shot. Your first perfect shot will be worth two points, and every perfect shot afterwords will be worth one more point consecutively. So your 10th perfect shot in a row will be worth 11 points, making this an extremely easy way to rack up an insanely high score.

There are two types of special balls and secret balls that you can earn. One type can be purchased with the in game currency. The other types of special balls can be earned by completing different types of missions. For example, some of them will require you to earn a specific point total win one game; others will require you to play the game for a specific number of days in a row; and so on and so forth.

The further you get into a specific round, the more difficult shots will be calm. Early on, the basketball hoops will not move at all, but as your point total increases and as you get further on into the level, the basketball hoops will start moving around, either side to side, up and down, or both, making it that much more difficult to line up the shot. Some hoops will even passed right over where you are holding the ball, making it possible to shoot a basketball shooting straight upward.

You can compare your high score to players all over the world using either Apple Game Center or Google Play. Hit the high store column before the game and check on what the top scores are for your platform. Skip any of them that are obviously hacked, and scroll past to the ones that are clearly real, if very high.