Eatventure: Guide Part 2 – More Tips, Cheats, and Strategies

Whenever you come back from a long period of time being spent offline, you will get an offer to double your offline income simply for watching an advertisement video. Typically, your offline income is absolutely massive, so for watching a 30 second video, it is absolutely worth it for the extra money.

When you are playing actively, there is an option to watch an advertisement video in order to double your income for five minutes. This may or may not be worth it; it simply depends on your tolerance for advertisement videos. You can also permanently double your income with an in-app purchase.

The vast majority of the time when it comes to upgrades, your main focus should be on the last food item that you unlocked. If your other food items are getting close to a point where you can increase their star tier by leveling them up to whatever the next tier is, though, then those are the ones that you should be focusing on. When you increase their star value, you instantly double their profits.

Occasionally, you can earn new equipment to put on your main character. This equipment not only has its own unique look, but it also affects the performance, such as adding an income or speed multiplier. You can spend gems in order to get new equipment, so take your gems to the store area and purchase small boxes and big boxes in order to unlock new equipment for permanent boosts.

Once you upgrade from the food truck to the café, you will unlock available weekly events, where you have to upgrade to the maximum level as quickly as possible, and you will be ranked against other players. Participate in these events as often as you can, because these are one of the best ways to earn gems, equipment, and other rare goodies that are typically very difficult to earn.

You can enter and exit the event whenever you want to. All that you have to do is click on the event button and hit the exit button if you’re in it, and then, if you want to go back to it, tap the event button and hit enter. You can run two restaurants at a time this way.

Whenever you upgrade a restaurant, and at other times during the game, you will earn a box. The box is up in the top left corner of the main screen; open boxes in order to unlock new equipment, and occasionally, to get diamonds.

Equipment comes in tiered rankings, and rare equipment is far more effective than common equipment. The rarer than your equipment is, the more of an effect it will have on you and your restaurant. Always be sure to equip the rarest items that you have, because rarity is the sole defining thing that tells you how good a piece of equipment is, at least until you’re able to upgrade equipment, which is fairly expensive and comes along later in the game.

This is why you should always try to focus on running both of your available restaurants whenever possible, both your normal one and your event one; that way, you can move toward an upgrade quicker and earn double the amount of boxes overall. You can also purchase boxes in the store area using diamonds, which can potentially unlock you even more equipment.

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