Elementalist – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Elementalist is a new RPG for the iPhone and iPad. You quest from battle to battle, earning between one and three stars on every battle, and using a variety of elemental magic attacks. While it may sound familiar, the twist is in the execution. You have to draw the shape of the spell that you are casting, and the better you do at drawing it, the more effective the spell is. Read on for some tips and tricks for Elementalist!

When you are drawing the spell, focus on the bar at the top of the screen. You don’t have to get the spell perfectly – you only have to fill up the bar, and depending on how accurate you are, sometimes you don’t even have to draw the whole spell in order to get a perfect grade on it.

Plus, every enemy has a certain elemental weakness. Experiment to find out what that weakness is, because the element that’s strong against that enemy will deal double the damage when you use that spell. During tough battles, experiment and prepare to lose, then when you play through the second time, use the strong elemental spells over and over again.

Take advantage of your spell’s special powers, as well. For example, fire spells burn an enemy when drawn perfectly, while earth spells will add an extra layer of protection. Wind spells will do critical damage, while water spells will cast a gradual healing spell.

Look through all of the things in the store that you can use your coins on. You can buy more advanced characters with special powers, and you can buy more powerful equipment that specifically adds different buffs and stat boosts. Plus, you can buy more advanced spells.

If you want to power up your spells extra, go to an old stage and play it over and over, using the spell that you want to upgrade. Use it over and over until it’s ready for upgrade, then go to the store and upgrade it. Do this every time that you get stuck on a tough stage.