Fable Age – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Fable Age is a new puzzle/RPG hybrid for the iPhone and iPad. This one provides an experience that is similar to, yet different from, the ever-popular Puzzle and Dragons. Your goal is to quest through various different fairy tales, fighting the Lich King and his minions using a mix of your favorite heroes and villains from all of the fairy tales and Disney movies. Read on for some tips and tricks for Fable Age!

-During battle, you can string together combos as long as you want and in any direction that you want, as long as they are from the same color. Huge damage bonuses are also attached to shapes with a plus sign next to them.
-It’s good to keep cards of all different colors on your team because different cards have different advantages. Red beats green, green beats blue, blue beats yellow and yellow beats red.

-Before fighting a battle you can select a helper. Pick out of rarity (star rating) first. Then control for the card’s level second. Rarer cards will be far more powerful and have better health and defense.
-Also, some stages tend toward a certain elemental of enemy, so when possible, pick a helper who is strong against the enemy color.

-Your main method of earning new cards, since you can’t yet summon or purchase cards in the game. If you don’t have enough friend tokens to earn a new summon, and you are stuck on a stage, play old stages over and over.
-Earn more friend tokens by having your hero card picked as someone’s helper (so make sure to set your rarest card as the leader and level it up to sweeten the deal), using a stranger’s helper, and especially using a friend’s leader as a helper. Go to the oracle and spend them on summons when you earn at least 100.

-To get a higher chance at rare summons, earn 5 Fable Stones and then go and spend them on a rare draw. Plus, check the daily shops each day, as often an extremely rare card is posted there for sale.
-Go to the special stages for a higher chance at winning rare cards in battle. In addition, certain quests will earn you extra dark gems, loads of gold or other rare bonuses.

-To play PvP in this game, go to the special quests and go to the Fable Arena. It costs no stamina and you can play up to 50 battles in a row, with your matches depending upon your rank in the arena.