Fairy Tale Wonderland: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Fairy Tale Wonderland is a new game by TeamLava for the iOS platform on the Storm8 network. This game continues the revival of the FrontierVille and Ravenwood Fair-style of game, a blend between city building, farming and exploration that takes you through a whole world full of areas to explore and unlock, and build upon. Read on for some tips and tricks for Fairy Tale Wonderland!

Much like in the previously mentioned games, one of the main gameplay mechanics is knocking down trees, rocks and the like to search for resources and earn experience, coins and other goodies. You can tap something as many times as you want to, but you have to sit and watch your character complete all of the actions in a row… normally. However, if you tap something a number of times, minimize the app and then bring it back up it will skip the animation and all actions will simply finish immediately.

This, of course, is good because as soon as you gain an experience level, you will get a full free refill of energy, and one extra max energy to boot. At first you only have fifteen maximum energy, which is hardly enough to get anything done, but you gain one maximum energy every time that you gain an experience level, allowing for faster and faster progress.

For even faster progress, if there is something that you need to finish quickly, such as building construction, or you want to gain your energy back quickly, all that you have to do is go to your date and time settings and set the time ahead on your phone or tablet. Then go back to the app and everything will be ready for you to continue on.

Eventually, the server will attempt to right itself. When it does, shut the app off (not minimize, but shut the app completely off) and then reopen it about thirty seconds to one minute later. When you do this, the server will quit trying to right itself, and the changes that you tried to put in place with the time cheat, will stick.

Always scroll outward a bit to see what the next thing is that you can unlock. The boundaries will increase as you unlock more and more space; your only goal is to explore outward as far as you can go without being hindered (such as being hindered by the beach water in the southwest corner of the land)